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Ilmu Sosbud

Everyone is getting older: Will dementia attack not only elderly? What do the researchers find?

18 Juni 2023   12:54 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2023   13:08 406
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Griffiths Timothy. D and friends (How Can Hearing Loss Cause Dementia?)
Griffiths Timothy. D and friends (How Can Hearing Loss Cause Dementia?)

According to (Griffith, Lad, & and friends, 2020) entitled How can do hearing loss cause dementia? The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between hearing loss and dementia.  This study found out that hearing loss can impact dementia. When people have difficult using their cognitive-auditory system they are not able to respond appropriately such as they have trouble with auditory processes like word or speech producing it is typically the symptom of dementia. Hearing loss stimulates dementia medically and can be seen when the cochlea has trouble it can impact the cortex that caused dementia.

How to prevent?

Dementia can be prevented by a healthy life style. Even though it is not up to 100% but it can be helpful to delay the dementia in elderly. The things to prevent dementia are; do not smoke and use drugs, excess alcohol consumption, keeping normal blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, exercising regularly, and keep in social activity.

How much percentage of the effective to prevent dementia?

A research entitled "Dementia Prevention, intervention, and Care: 2020 Report of the Lancet Commission" by (Livingston, Huntley, Sommerlad, Ames, & and friends, 2020). The purpose of the research is to analyze the three modifiable risks factor of dementia with a narrative approach; extreme alcohol consumption, head injuries, and air pollution as the modifying in delaying dementia up to 40%, there are many prevention things for dementia; cultivate systole in 130 mm Hg, facilitate the hearing aids, diminish the air pollution, avoid head injury, restrict alcohol consumption, educate enough the children through the appropriate policy.  It means that dementia has many various risks contributing that can be reduced to delay the case. People should recognize the cause and the symptom earlier to reach 40% of delaying dementia.

According to a graphic chart of the research, it shows the three risks with a huge percentage potentially contributing to dementia risk; lack of education in the early stage, hearing loss, smoking, and air pollution shaping the percentage up to 40% for dementia and the rest is 60% for unknown risk. 

Based on (Moyle & Wendy, 2019) entitled The Promise of Technology in the Future of dementia care. Technology can facilitate dementia. Technology such as robot-assistant can help dementiers in their life. The robot assistant can help them to remind them about events or any appointments or maybe a task that they should do. Care-O-bot is also a technology tool with the function of evaluating the patients' mood. But the use of technology must be mastered by carers as the facilitating assistant tool for the dementiers.


Amidei, C. B., & and friends. (2021). Association between Age at Diabetes Onset and Subsequent Risk of Dementia. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 1640-1649.

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