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Something Had to Happen, Happened

14 Juni 2021   09:32 Diperbarui: 14 Juni 2021   09:46 44
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Diary. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Markus Winkler

Kompasianers, when you experience an incident, whether it's fun or not. Do you realize, that something that really has to happen, happens.

When you experience failure, whatever efforts you have made, but have not succeeded. Then, you will fail.

When you only put in a little effort, not serious, but it turns out that you are the winner. Then, you will be the winner.

Kompasianers, there is nothing in life that you can force to happen or not to happen. God is in control. Even if you don't believe that God exists, it's still not you in control.

So, for you who are reading. 

In this world, in this life. Something that has been, is, and will happen, it has to happen. Your efforts are not determinants, but become fuel for you to continue your life.

So guys, please stay alive and have a long lasting happiness!

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