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Navy Jahbulon Rangkuti
Navy Jahbulon Rangkuti Mohon Tunggu...





''Journo of Decemba''

15 Desember 2017   21:49 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2017   08:50 633
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Coming back to bahusda, I found myself being on treat by my prestigious, grand, mother. She bought me a spicy wing from richeese, with strawberry milk, I eat that food so fast that I couldn't realize I was full of food. I thanked grandma so much. --- That night, is the night where Bernie had his accident in the basketball field. I've heard it from Bernie's mother, auntie Nila.

O... dear lord. Must it, be a bad thing?


The next morning, I wake up, I see Bernie's ankle is not on the right position. Auntie nila is immediately calling a taxi, because if not, it would be a bad thing. And then the three of us, me, Bernie, and auntie nila is going to some traditional massage clinic to gets Bernie's ankle back on the right position. That was a fine morning, we talked about a lot of things.

But on that night, before I decide to sleep, I had some FUNNY talks with aunt nila and Bernie. To sum up, that late night conversation is talking about the whole people bad attitude in the social atmosphere, connecting to that, John Robert Powers is the best answers to FIX it.



The next morning, I saw myself trying to drink a warm water (as a health therapy) and moving things in bang Abby's studying table, but before that, Bernie warned me to get bang Abby's permission first, so I WhatsApp him and asks for permission, nicely, and then, access granted. --- Phew, cleaning up dust was a heavy duty. After that, I go to shower (with cold water off course) and having a daylight nap in bang Abby's room, it is very quiet and I find it sooo relaxing.

Believe me, bang Abby's room had some kind of a perfect aura in bahusda. To whom that see ghost, it is a remarkable one. Hahaha.

After everything was cleaned up, I let out my Bluetooth keyboard and put it on bang baby's studying table, with a five-watt incandescent lamp that I've bought from local small store near Bernie's traditional massage clinic.  I start writing about the whole JRP article, I've published it in Kompasiana on the previous day. On Bahasa Indonesia, it's about a fictitious article with Sarti as the main character on that story.

Yam -- yam is crowing, the sounds is a dramatic one. The moon falls to the earth, showing it's beam of harmony. In the night, I re-watch a movie called Doctor strange with bernie. It says, "Dormammu, I've come to bargain." Fantastic movie.

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