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Imam Musthafa Diastama
Imam Musthafa Diastama Mohon Tunggu... Editor - Universitas Negeri Semarang




Ilmu Sosbud

Analytical Text - The Appearance of Positive and Negative Impacts about Russia and Ukraine War

9 Juni 2023   22:20 Diperbarui: 9 Juni 2023   22:25 185
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The war is still going on to this day. 

In fact, it is still a hot topic of conversation considering the involvement of Europe, America and even Asia. This war was originally from Ukraine who wanted to join NATO. Since that announcement, Russia has sent various lawsuits against it because it would threaten Russia itself. Then in 2022, Russia declared war on Ukraine. Many victims fell, buildings were damaged, and many more negative impacts. But is it only the negative impact?? It turns out that this war had a positive impact. Here are the positive impacts that I found on the Internet.

1. The emergence of AI that can identify bodies.

2. Technological advances in the military.

3. Economic progress of various countries, including Indonesia.

4. Can prevent or increase the possibility of a third world war.

5. The creation of AI to detect hoax news circulating in the world.

Meanwhile, the following are the negative impacts of this war.

1. Many victims fell.

2. Damage to buildings.

3. Changes in the world economy because oil prices in Russia and Ukraine, which are Europe's main supply, have increased dramatically.

4. Many hoax news appear.

Then, after I discovered the positive and negative impacts on this war, I made observations of my friends that may surprise you. Some of my friends choose the positive impact, and some also choose the negative impact. The main reason for my friends choosing a positive impact is the increasing Indonesian economy despite having to go through various obstacles including massive demonstrations by the people, including students. The people consider this policy to be very burdensome because the price of various fuels at Pertamina has increased dramatically. However, this made me think further because so far people who have financial adequacy from a personal perspective can make them buy food or drinks at cafes, then be able to travel far away or take vacations somewhere, shop at magnificent malls and many more. who waste money doing useless things. Does just a slight increase in price make them angry but they still do the things above without any further thought, or you could say without worrying about finances??

What do you think?? do you support war or vice versa?? give your comments and I can also make further observations.

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