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Andi Boediman
Andi Boediman Mohon Tunggu...

Director of Ideosource, a venture capital focusing on digital industries, including content, media, ecommerce and its digital infrastructures.\r\n\r\nFounder of IDS|international design school, offering graduate studies in creative entrepreneurship partnering with IKJ (Institut Kesenian Jakarta). IDS also offer undergraduate studies in Design, Animation & Filmmaking in partnership Billy Blue Australia.\r\n\r\




5 Inspiration from SparxUp Seminar

9 November 2010   00:15 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   11:45 66
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.

In SparxUp seminar, Sarah Lacy (@sarahcuda) from Techcrunch inspires me the most by having such a simple presentation in her hand written small note. Most of this inspiration comes from her while the last inspiration comes from the Koprol team.

  • Inspiration 1. Culture of openness and iteration Mark Zuckerberg learns everything from the failure of Napsters. What Facebook have today is keeping the improvement iteration. It’s all about execution.
  • Inspiration 2. Advertising won’t get you there, services will possibly better to monetize. If Silicon Valley have a second chance, most people will find a way to monetize even if it’s small number.
  • Inspiration 3. Find mentorship, not cash. A good mentor is better than millions of investment.
  • Inspiration 4. A product can be a copy, but find innovative business model around it. This is the lesson learnt from QQ, as they are able to monetize instant messaging
  • Inspiration 5. Getting investor IS NOT your exit strategy, it's your chance to open a new market Koprol proves this by having 10 times the users before Yahoo acquisition, and Yahoo opens up Koprol services in other countries.

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