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Travel Story

The True Icon of Batik City

22 Februari 2011   08:58 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   08:23 274
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If you want to feel a different sensation in looking around Pekalongan, you have to try to ride Becak (tricycle vehicle). This tricycle vehicle is not much different with the others in Indonesia but here is bigger than them. You can enjoy Pekalongan in slow motion because this vehicle uses man’s energy so you have to be a little bit patient to reach the destiny and consequently you can see through all the things around here.

Pekalongan is in north-shore track then you can find seas there. There are two beaches here, both are famous for its citizen to go for relaxing. It is called Kencana Sand Beach (Pantai Pasir Kencana) and the other is Slamaran Beach. Those are not really protected by the government or the citizens. They actually were beautiful but they were dirty therefore people became rarely to visit them but do not worry about that because the government is striving for maintaining their cleanliness and beauty now. Consequently, young people usually make them places for having a date. Old people usually go for fishing. So while you are enjoying the view of them, just go for eating various grilled fish in restaurants around here.

Pekalongan is developing day by day. The citizens are like many Indonesian people, they are friendly and will welcome the guests who come there. It is a good place to visit whether you want to buy the best Batik or only enjoy the food. Pekalongan people really know how to spoil tongue. Everything is delicious and unique. Plan your journey, grab your bag, do not forget to bring a map and last enjoy it. Welcome!

Travel Tips
Getting there
Vary from different transportations. By train, you have to pay for a ticket of Rp 230,000 – Rp 250,000, for the middle cheap you can get Rp 130,000 for travel transportation and for the cheapest one is Rp 60,000 by bus.

What to see
Slamaran Beach, Kencana Sand Beach (Pantai Pasir Kencana), Museum of Batik, Kampoeng Batik (Batik Alley), Batik Galleries, Setono Gross Market (Pasar Grosir Setono).

Where to stay
Nirwana Hotel, Hayam Wuruk Hotel, Kartini Hotel, Teratai Losmen

Where to eat and what to eat
Masduki: A small restaurant near to the Pekalongan Square (Alun-Alun) provides Garang Asem, Megono Rice and other Pekalongan’s unique food.
Jong Java Café: An old-fashioned-style small café near to Pekalongan biggest cemetery in Jl. Irian provides variety food from snacks and heavy food. The most popular food is Grilled Rice (Nasi Bakar).

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