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Heru Susetyo Nuswanto
Heru Susetyo Nuswanto Mohon Tunggu... Dosen - Heru Susetyo, SH. LL.M. M.Si.M.Ag. Ph.D - Associate Professor Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law University of Indonesia and Human Rights Attorney at PAHAM Indonesia. Studying Human Rights toward a degree (LL.M) at Northwestern Law School, Chicago, and Mahidol University, Bangkok (Ph.D. in Human Rights & Peace Studies). External Ph.D. researcher in Victimology at Tilburg University, Netherlands. Once a mountaineer, forever a traveler...and eager to be a voice for the voiceless people. Twitter : @herususetyo FB :; e-mail :; IG : herususetyo2611




"The Protected Mass Shooting" (Penembakan Masal yang Dilindungi)

1 Maret 2018   11:47 Diperbarui: 1 Maret 2018   12:01 509
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The mass shooting which take place in US academic institutions, prior to Parkland, Fl. Incident,  took place in Sandy Hook Elementary School, Connecticut on 14 December 2012 (28 casualties), at  Northern Illinois University, De Kalb Illinois on 14 February 2008 (6 casualties incl. the perpetrator), at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon (9 casualties), October 1, 2015 (9 casualties),  at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia (32 casualties),   at Red Lake High School, Minnesota, on  21 March 2005 (10 casualties, incl. the perpetrator), at Columbine High School -- Littleton, Colorado on 20 April 1999 (13 casualties).

            Why people commit mass shooting?  There are a lot of contributing factors, namely : (1) higher accessibility of guns; (2) the copycat phenomenon; (3) desire for fame and  notoriety; (4) individualistic culture and a person's lack of social bounds;  (5) mental illness; etc.  

            The theories of the French sociologist Emile Durkheim may give us a deeper understanding of how certain cultural factors contribute to mental illness. In a classical study he found that suicides were much more frequent in individualistic societies, which are characterized by a lower degree of social integration, compared to more collectivistic societies. A person who is poorly socially integrated has a high risk of becoming a lone wolf, which may be a more common problem attributable to individualistic societies. Mass murderers are often isolated individuals that over time have built up aggression towards to the society they feel disconnected from (Isaksen, popularsocialscience, 04/01/2013).

            Mass shootings are more frequent in individualistic compared to collectivistic societies. The lower degree of social integration in an individualistic society may lead to a greater risk of social isolation. In extreme cases this may strengthen the mass murderers' perception of being a loner "in a world full of enemies." This bears resemblance with school shooters who often have low social skills, and are poorly socially integrated. Such vulnerable individuals, who are in a state of emotional chaos, may then use violence as an outlet for their built up anger toward society, which they feel has betrayed them (Isaksen, popularsocialscience, 04/01/2013).

            However, lack of social bound alone, is not enough to render people making violent.  Sternheimer (in Isaksen, 2013) points out that violence is learned through social contexts, and personal life experiences. Her research concludes that the "meaning of violence" is made within particular social settings. Some people are more easily fascinated by destructive incidents, and may find inspiration from violence and other mass shootings. Each person also has a unique set of life experience that affects levels of aggression. Even if some people are more aggressive by nature, the learning factor is essential. Violence can be learned, and people often learn from the imitation of others (copycat phenomenon).

Higher accessibility of guns is among the main cause of mass shooting in US.  The Guardian (16/02/ 2018) mentioned that " Most Americans can buy an AR-15 rifle before they can buy beer."  The military-style gun, the weapon of choice for mass shootings, can be bought in most states starting at the age of 18.  Americans have to be 21 before they can legally buy alcohol. 

But in most states, they can buy an AR-15 military-style rifle starting at age 18.Federal law has stricter age requirements for buying handguns than for the military-style rifles that have become the weapon of choice for shootings. With some exceptions, Americans must be 21 to buy a handgun from a licensed dealer.Law enforcement officials said Nikolas Cruz, 19, the perpetrator of Parkland, Florida was able legally to purchase an AR-15 about a year ago.

Gun control, therefore, is a very serious issue in US, legally and politically.  The right to keep and bear arms in the US is a fundamental right, protected by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights, and by the constitutions of most U.S. states.  The second amendment (entry into force in 1791) mentioned that at " a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

In other words,  by loosening gun control and resting on Second Amendment,  the State has actually 'facilitated and protected' the mass shooting which took place in the US.    Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund (15/02/2018) criticized this policy by writing :  How many more before our leaders pass common-sense laws to prevent gun violence and save lives? Communities all over the country live in fear of gun violence. That's unacceptable. We should feel secure in sending our children to school --- comforted by the knowledge that they're safe.

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