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Ir. Herson, Dipl.I.S., M.Sc
Ir. Herson, Dipl.I.S., M.Sc Mohon Tunggu...

Aparatur Sipil Negara, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, anak suku Dayak Ngaju.




Lapor Pak Presiden: Revolusi Mental Kiat Bugar

20 November 2015   16:47 Diperbarui: 20 November 2015   17:00 82
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DFS can be done anywhere. When you wake up in the morning, or before going to bed, may be the perfect time for you to do so, from where then you will get a better feeling to start daily activities or your sleep.

Do not limit yourself !. Use all the efforts and ingenious ways to get a pleasant feeling best transferred to the effect of your own body starts using your own hands in an effort to thrill your body anytime anywhere freely.

ASN are already doing this in the scope of the Bureau of Development Administration Central Kalimantan Provincial Secretariat stated very useful DFS gives them real fitness. DFS online publication via has received positive response from domestic and global online accessor.

Each ASN already doing this can be asked their fitness.

DFS video has been uploaded and visited quite a lot of people in and has given the right "customized" DFSDayakFitnessStyle channel with video link: dan

In the assessment of the DFS video audience was very positive and growing many visitors based DFS video of the hit counter.

The videos uploaded since August 5, 2015 has been copied many of the sources of its parent in and distributed online to the whole world opened by more accessor and growing over time.

Widely publicizing that all ASN know it and integrate it with activities morning exercise or fitness program for ASN formally in Indonesia even globally. ASN fitter in performing the task.

DFS makes slimmer body and fresh all the time and it is easily done while doing normal human food consumption. Wearing DFS does not worry you become saturated due to your own brain will respond directly to adjust the level of your feelings of pleasant feeling for every way that you have done. Any individual, group, and colossal mass can do and develop more basic ways DFS without any limits or barriers.

Finding human intelligence capabilities to develop its own way of managing his fitness is not limited to things that actually identical to the efforts of the scientists who discovered new things that then transform the human condition in the world for the better and meaningful.

DFS is solely aimed for a total contribution of social society. DFS user activates automatically without any reservation.

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