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Snow in My Front Yard

7 Januari 2025   02:07 Diperbarui: 8 Januari 2025   00:32 87
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The first thing I see  when I wake up this morning, is thick snow in  my front yard.The parking,  the top of the cars and houses are all white covered by soft snows.I really don't know when the snow came.It must be last night when I was still sleeping.

While standing here by the door,flakes of snow still  drifting in the air, some fall gently by my side.I see, a small brown squirel  jumping and swinging on a dry twig.Last month this tree was  still green, full with leaves, and  now only rigid  dry twigs and  branches remain. 

Eventually the only road near my house also becomes white blanketed by thick snow.I'm afraid there won't be anyone dare to leave our comlex.

For a while I stay still, watching the landscape outside, and feeling the cold breeze against my face.It reminds me with the situation in New York several decades ago.The first city I jumped when I came to America.In this capital, every body is busy.Winter or not, we have to be ready to do the work.Because nobody will replace us.So, no work, no pay.Very tought.

Now, the fight is over.I just watch the four seasons  come and go.And my grandkids have grown up and become a somebody that make me very proud.Soon, we will see them get married.Out of the box one by one.

Yes, winter is here again in Frederickburg, the town where  I retired. Snow does not come as often as in New York, becuase it's location is in the south.While New York and it's sorrounding are in the north of America(East  Coast).That's why many people flee to Florida (West coast), during the cold season because there is no snow over there.

Anyhow, snow leaves us a hard work.Because we have to  clean it up right away. If we just let it pile up, we will get problem to remove it later.Snow will be hard and icey the  next day.So it  can cause an unwanted accident.

By the way, my daydream is broken when I'm called by my wife to help her cleaning the dishes.A little wondering to see

her appearance, as she is not the same woman I brought to New York .She has changed,  becomes fragile with a wrinkle face and gray hair. Uncounciusly I touch my face,  and feel  the same posture.Realizing, time has passed so quickly, leaving  us old and helpless,

Only good things  are not forgotten

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