Mohon tunggu...
Hendra Jawanai
Hendra Jawanai Mohon Tunggu... Creative Director/Producer/Writer

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Puisi Pilihan

A Short Poem: Kabar Tentang Dia

24 Mei 2023   02:45 Diperbarui: 24 Mei 2023   02:43 67
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Whispered echoes from a distant shore,
a message from the one I adore.
Longing fills my soul, emotions ignite,
receiving news, a beacon of light.

In the stillness of night, a melody plays,
bringing solace, in a million ways.
Oh, the joy that floods my heart,
when I hear from the one I'm apart.

Tears of longing, now turn to bliss,
a reunion of souls, a tender kiss.
Silent whispers bridge the divide,
love's symphony, forever shall abide.

In the stillness of night, a melody plays,
bringing solace, in a million ways.
Oh, the joy that floods my heart,
when I hear from the one I'm apart.

Across the miles, our spirits align,
time and space, no boundaries to define.
Through words unspoken, our love's profound,
every message received, a treasure found.

In the stillness of night, a melody plays,
bringing solace, in a million ways.
Oh, the joy that floods my heart,
when I hear from the one I'm apart.

With every word, my heart takes flight,
messages of love, woven in the night.
Grateful for the news that I receive,
from the one I cherish, and forever believe.

Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, 20 Mei 2023
#puisinggris #keminggris - kabar tentang dia

* Mendengarkan "Message in the Bottle" dari The Police

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