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Heidy Sengkey
Heidy Sengkey Mohon Tunggu...

Ingin selalu berbagi lewat tulisan...\r\n\r\nMenghargai hidup dengan kerja keras dan mengasihi sesama.\r\n\r\n^__* Jalani hidup dengan penuh ucapan syukur...




Pernikahan Saya dengan Kompasianer Michael Sendow

28 Januari 2012   05:33 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   20:21 656
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[caption id="attachment_158774" align="aligncenter" width="515" caption="20-01-2012"][/caption]

"Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love, and they blossom when we love the one we married."

Setelah 15 tahun saling mengetahui, mengenal, dan berpacaran akhirnya pada tanggal 20 Januari 2012 (20-01-2012) saya dinikahi oleh Kompasianer Michael Sendow. Acara resepsi pernikahan dilaksanakan di Restaurant function and hall Kairagi Manado. Terima kasih saya kepada semua pihak, termasuk beberapa rekan kompasianer yang sudah menyempatkan diri untuk hadir dan berbagi kebahagiaan bersama kami. Juga kepada semua doa restu yang sudah diberikan begitu banyak kawan, teman dan sobat sekalian. Doa kalian adalah berkah yang teramat berharga bagi perkawinan kami.


I know you probably wonder from time to time what you mean to me.

So I’d like to share this thought with you, to tell you that you mean the world to me.

Think of something you couldn’t live without…and multiply it by hundred.

Think of what happiness means to you…and add it to the feeling you get

On the best days you’ve ever had.

[caption id="attachment_158779" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="From Peninsula Hotel..."]


Add all up your best feelings and take away all the rest

…and what you’re left with is exactly how I feel about you

You matter more to me than you can ever imagine

And much more than I’ll ever be able to explain.

You are so important to my days

And so essential to the smile within me.

You’re like the answer to a special prayer

And I think God knew that my world needed you.

My world really need someone exactly like you.

Having someone like you in my life is like having a wish come true.

You are blessing and a miracle, such guiding light to shine my ways.

I can’t even begin to count all the times that special thoughts of you

Have brightened up the day, made me count my blessings.

[caption id="attachment_158782" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Toast to cheers the couple..."]

[/caption] There is a “thanks” I quietly say from time to time in my heart

Because you’re so important to me…really important.

I can’t live without you. I just can’t !

That’s how important you are to me.

With Love: Heidy.S

[caption id="attachment_158784" align="aligncenter" width="542" caption="Foto bersama keluarga..."]



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