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Hayati Samsudin
Hayati Samsudin Mohon Tunggu... -

I'm simple person. English, writing short stories and poems is my passion.




The Cormorant

3 September 2010   06:17 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   13:29 49
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The Cormorant The bamboo canoe is ready to sail Hungry cormorants were craving Joy of hunting in the middle of cold night While... Some of this world being haunted by nightmare Some of this world being tempted by extravagance The fisherman is ready to sail With his canoe and agile cormorants His lamp lighten his view Though he knows no horizon He doesn't need the moon above He doesn't wish for the stars either As he knows His cormorant would dive down the lake Paddle their feet and shoot its beak Toward the unseen water underneath And... They would come to the surface Haul their pray proudly "It's all your...Fisherman" By Hayati Add a caption The Cormorant The bamboo canoe is ready to sail Hungry cormorants were craving Joy of hunting in the middle of cold night While... Some of this world being haunted by nightmare Some of this world being tempted by extravagance The fisherman is ready to sail With his canoe and agile cormorants His lamp lighten his view Though he knows no horizon He doesn't need the moon above He doesn't wish for the stars either As he knows His cormorant would dive down the lake Paddle their feet and shoot its beak Toward the unseen water underneath And... They would come to the surface Haul their pray proudly "It's all your...Fisherman" By Hayati

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