Mohon tunggu...
Hayati Samsudin
Hayati Samsudin Mohon Tunggu... -

I'm simple person. English, writing short stories and poems is my passion.




Verge of Anger

26 Juli 2010   13:20 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   14:35 29
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"You are not capable doing your job, are you? If you can't do it her, you can't do it any where else" Ms. Joana got angrier.

Their heat conversation went on and on. It didn't stop until the other staffs started coming in.

Fitria felt sheer exhaustion of the argumentation and despised Ms.Joana even more. But at the same time she didn't want to embarrase her infront of the staffs.
Then, Fitria stepped closer to her and said something in low tone but firm. Before she left the office, she told everyone that she got to go home for urgent family matter. They believed her.

After working hour, Mya visited Fitria in her appartment. Needless to say, Fitria began to tell her a story about the argumentation that she had with her manager. They were laughing out loud when Fitria mimicking the expression of Ms.Joana on how angry she was.
That night, they went to night club and celebrated Fitria's resignation. They danced hard at the dance's floor and drunk all their heart. A day later, they woke up with dreadful hangover in a strange room.

By Hayati

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