(Adapted from WHO & UNICEF booklet)
Malnutrition has been responsible, directly or indirectly, for 60% of the 10.9 million deaths annually among children under five. Well over two-thirds of these deaths, which are often associated with inappropriate feeding practices, occur during the first year of life. Therefore it is very important to promoting appropriate feeding for infants and young children.
1.During the first 6 months, your baby needs ONLY breast milk. Breast milk provides all the food and water that your baby needs during the first 6 months. Do not give anything else, not even water. Medicines can be given if they are recommended by health provider. Breastfeed your baby on demand, day and night. Appropriate breastfeeding position helps you to produce a good supply of breast milk.
2.Starting Complementary Feeding when baby reaches 6 months. Continue breastfeeding your baby on demand both day and night. When giving complementary foods, think: Frequency (2 times a day), Amount (2-3 tsp. at each feed), Thickness (thick enough to be fed by hand), Variety (begin with the staple foods like porridge [corn, wheat, rice, millet, potatoes, sorghum], mashed banana or mashed potato), Responsive feeding (don’t force your baby to eat), and Hygiene.
3.Complementary feeding from 6 up to 9 months. Continue breastfeeding your baby on demand both day and night. Breast milk supplies half (1/2) baby’s energy needs from 6 up to 12 months. When giving complementary foods to your baby, think: Frequency (3 times a day), Amount (Increase amount gradually to half (½) cup (250 ml cup: show amount in cup brought by other), Thickness (Give mashed/pureed family foods. By 8 months your baby can begin eating finger foods), Variety (Animal-source foods, staples, legumes and seeds, fruits and vegetables), Responsive feeding, and Hygiene
4.Complementary feeding from 9 up to 12 months. Continue breastfeeding your baby on demand both day and night. When giving complementary foods to your baby, think: Frequency (4 times a day), Amount (Increase amount to half (½) cup), Thickness (Give finely chopped family foods, finger foods, sliced foods), Variety (Avoid giving sugary drinks, avoid sweet biscuits), Responsive feeding, and Hygiene