John Lennon
John Lennon was born 9 October 1940 in Liverpool, England. He sang almost in every Beatles song. Also, composed and wrote the lyrics. He’s a good lyricist. Even though every Beatles could play many instruments, he mostly played rhythm guitar and piano. He was married with Cynthia Powell. Their child is Julian Lennon which was born in 1963. After divorce with Cynthia, John married Yoko Ono in 1969. Paul McCartney once said about John: He was older and he was very much the leader; he was the quickest wit and the smartest.
Despite he had a beautiful voice, surprisingly he was annoyed by hearing his own voice in Beatles record and he’d like to ask everyone if it was possible to cover his voice with tomato ketchup or anything.
George Harrison
George Harrison was born in Liverpool, England on 25 February 1943. He sang and played guitar. He also could play Sitar, we can hear it in Beatles song “ Norwegian Wood”. He was interested in eastern culture, yoga, meditation, and Hinduism. That explains the Sitar.
He loved very much guitar and very happy to play it. John Lennon stated that his relationship with Harrison was one of young follower and older guy..”he was like a disciple of mine when we started”.
Ringo Starr
Let’s meet Ringo Starr.