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A Parody of Nation Education

26 Mei 2011   03:59 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   05:13 68
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Education is created for human who benefit and be able to wise their life. For the site of human development, education is expected to make capable to create the potential human for advanced the civilized. This is the way of education are setting as one of the things in human rights which recognized by the world. So this can be said that education are served without looked at the differences of status and degrees which created by people. Education is must to look the same to all of the people. But whether the education at the time has become like we hope? Are the education has been accommodate us to reach our civilized? And are the education had gotten to ability for created the superior and potentially human being? This is smartly caught by theater literature community of Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia, at their last performance which entitled Sketsa Robot 2.0 on November 20th in Graha Bhakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta. Took the theme about wracked of the education system in Indonesia that are still not yet reach the people into the justice. Quality education at the time is the education which so expensive, and actually it is became a public secret. Based on the issue, Sketsa Robot 2.0 are performed as a parody which brings a profound message about the meaning of human education. This theater is started on the scene that located at the modern Indonesia human house. The house which became the setting at this play is not a landed house, but an apartment room in the central of metropolitan city. It is a portrait of modern family who just oriented with the world. This is narrated about a modern independent woman, where she has been dared to say no for being under her husband. Instead her husband became a loser has been unable to compete with herself. So that is became a phenomenon in our life, the husband who feared with his wife, a ridiculous irony. Because the settings in year 2030, where the human regeneration became no longer productive, so many of human role are started to replaceable by humanoid robots. Even more rarely human who wants to give a birth, their choice are adopting the child, but also human child were getting less until emerged an idea for use humanoid robot for substituting the human child. It is very similar with human from head to toe, but with the special features which can manage by human in accordance with their wishes. There are robots that made with child mode, religious mode and even made in s3x type which oriented in sexuality. The conflict begins when this modern woman has arrived from her business trip and got her robot has changed, no longer became a cute child robot, but it changed to be an s3x type. Actually this was act by her husband who intentionally apply for changed both robot became like that. His reason is because he always feel bored in the home when his wife going around the world for her business. Even he was bored, he is also hopeless because he never felt a wife as along time ago. And with his converted in his humanoid robot, at least he got the entertainment when his wife is gone. He can wreak his sexual desire pent into the robot, and he never felt restless again when his wife left him. The modern women character who played (her name is Kartika) at this scene of course felt so confused after realized the changed of her humanoid robot who named Kartini because the act of her husband. At this scene we can looked the realism of nowadays when the women have gotten to became an independent human, doesn't full depend on her husband, the women also be able to become a head of family. This is remembered me about the today situation in my hometown, Ngawi, East Java. There is so difficult to find the truly husband indeed because many of them doesn't have the capability to rise his quality family with his job as a folk farmer. So the wife really to act for finding the other way to add her family income, even many of them became a single livelihood. I think this is one of the examples of emancipation to the gender. Next, Kartika send her humanoid robot to study in URI (Universitas Robot Indonesia) for an advice from the mechanic of her robot. Because her humanoid robot is didn't to changed or refreshed again like before, and this is the only way to bridle her robot in order to doesn't have the over playa in the sex interest, for make her robot have a moral. URI which as a place for her robot studied is the reborn of Universitas Indonesia which transformed into university that prepared the education not only for human, but also for humanoid robot which at the time almost has a big population like human. At this scene, URI became the most powerful university in Indonesia that have many interested person who want to get the study at that place. It looked when URI has opened the register form, there are many teenagers with their parents who came to register their applied. URI have three choice of education types, there are Platinum for the expensive price that only can reached by richest people, after that they have a Gold type for the middle, and the lower they have a Silver type for the lower cost applied. Although the Silver type has as the cheapest price, but there is still too expensive for many people in Indonesia. So based on the fact, URI has become the most institution of education in this country. At this scene are told a poor man is dared to register his son to study at URI, but the staff made him difficult to apply. The organizer at this university always neglected him to applying his son, because he is a poor man, so the organizer would to rejected him from the apply list. But the poor man is never give up to find a way for applying her son at the URI, and then they really would to meet the rector of the URI which at the same time had been interviewed by local television about his wisdom the for transformed the URI from the conventional university until like nowadays since five years ago. For keep his wisdom at the public stared, with the compulsion he accepted the poor man son to study at the URI with the dispensation for paying. The poor man son who has named Pirman, a similar name with his father, Firman, they have two differences in age and the word that used at both name. Pirman is a boy who was gotten achievement on MTQ (reading The Qur'an with melodious sound) which became an estate for him to apply at the URI. Because he felt his achievement is enough to completing the requirements, so he joined to the class with many teenagers like him to studying the moral and other knowledge in URI. But in the class, Pirman have a discrimination by almost his friend because he is not a richest boy like the majority of students who study in URI. The lectures so so look at him with the different think, they thought Pirman is didn't suitable to study at there. Besides the story of poor boy who want to take a study at the best institution, this drama also contained other story about the fact of education in Indonesia nowadays. Look at the other point of view, this drama told about the education organizer who played the wisdom for get the high advantages from the student who studied in their institutions. They hid at the back of education institution for get the promising job for their life, in this context for get the much money from it, I mean the money from education fund which are collected from the students. So based on the fact, the education at this country decide to the invisible rule that a good education also followed with the high price. If the price is so lower, also the education that you've get so so lower too. This fact in Sketsa Robot 2.0 is pictured with the character who has named Budi Hartawan and Yohannes Sugiharto. Both are the chief staff at the URI who was competent for make the rule of URI, it is contained the wisdom to decide the price for take a study at this place and also they have a competence to choose the list who are capable to become a students at the URI. Yohannes Sugiharto and Budi Hartawan is a portrait of the people who make the education became destroyed, there is not reached all of the people again. So we can say that both are the represent of capitalism which started to enter the education. And I think this is the main idea of the drama indeed, because till the end, the story is turn around the dialogue and acting from both. Yohanes and Budi take a long dialogue and conflict about the power struggle at the URI. If one of both success to drive out his importance, he could be the ruler of the all competence. Many cheated and conspiracies at the education institution are also same like the happened in government. The power is like a God for several people, so they can take many ways from the good till bad just only for reached it. Here is the stunned of power that infected people without take a more care to other, they only think for themselves. So actually this is the problem which became the theme that played by theatre literature community of faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia, in Sketsa Robot 2.0. Besides that, this drama also pictured the varieties of teenagers who took a journey for reach what they want to be. Also the humanoid robots are became to many types which reflected the truly of human varieties, such as a religious types, bad boy look like, a sexier girl, temperament people and so on. It is also pictured that the differences is no matter for us to get the dreams to be good together. Really I had a tears when I realized it, there are so touched. Overall, I think the drama is good for us to realize the fact of the education world nowadays. To realize that education is cross out from the way indeed, for civilized us, the human. Education is also doesn't stared the differences of the people to served, there are served for all of us, because it is of the human rights. We hope the education in Indonesia become realizing that we hope, amien.

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