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Hanief AlNaufal
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Face Your Fear, be Mad!

27 Mei 2017   20:33 Diperbarui: 27 Mei 2017   21:32 393
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Learn from The Master

For almost 21 years, there is one thing I always admire: madman. I always think of the madman as the supreme master in regulating fear. I really mean it! Look at them! Have you ever seen a crazy person scared? No, you absolutely never. It is because they do not fall in their fear, but they face it! They dare to run towards their own walls of limitations and destroy them. They risk everything they have! Their courage is not only in the mouth, but ingrained to the entire body. Is not that great? Is there any sane person who dares to do this?

Let us take a life lesson from the Supreme Master Chug of Fear: the madman or I prefer to call it the one who transcends the limitations. Let us learn to manage fear from within ourselves. Let us learn to put fear into place. And most importantly, let's be mad!

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