But in one occasion, the challenge came, the challenge to defeat my fear when Mr. Daniels (not a real name), the person that I knew, said, "Ah, what are you afraid of? Mr. Thomas is seventy years old, but he can run through the long route. I believe, your age is half of his age. Maybe around thirty or forty. Do you let Mr. Thomas defeat you?"
I faced that saying as a challenge!
So, I didn't do it as a purpose that I had planned before. I wonder, "Can I pass the test?"
I was not sure for the first time. Taking a long route, around nine, ten, or eleven kilometres was not as easy as we say. But If I didn't start at that time, I would not know whether I can pass the finish line or not.
So, I decided to take the long route. For the first, I felt that I ran such a long, long 'journey'.
How did it feel?
For the first 5K, it didn't matter for me. The trainings that I had passed before were almost nearly the same, around three kilometres per one training day.
But the problems arose after 5K.
Pain, hurt on the feet's soles and knees. But it didn't make me stop to run. I kept running as long as I could bear the process.
It was hard to take a deep breath, but I kept going. My feet were tired, my knees were sore, everything was hurt until seven kilometres.
7K passed and another obstacles came.