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Hamdali Anton
Hamdali Anton Mohon Tunggu... English Teacher

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"Zuper Bird? That's Impossible!"

7 Juni 2018   15:32 Diperbarui: 7 Juni 2018   15:34 591
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So, I was careful before buying even a single book.

I don't want to have books that are useless and never be read on my bookshelves.

After spending one till two days, I thought this book was deserved to be read and owned.

I bought it, although it was quite expensive for me, but it was okay if I wanted to compare with the insight and knowledge from this book.

I enjoyed reading this book. The author, @MotivaTweet, wrote it with some jokes and clear descriptions about his book (I assumed @MotivaTweet is a man ^_^).

After finishing reading this book, Kicauan Si Burung Zuper or The Tweets of Zuper Bird, I concluded that there were three points that I could take, especially the author repeat again at the end chapters of the book.

Let us discuss one by one ^_^.

First, Dream Big

You want a better life in one, two, five or ten years from now?

It is not forbidden to do so.

Dream what you want to get in the future.

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  5. 5
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