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Hafizh Taufiq
Hafizh Taufiq Mohon Tunggu... English Literature Undergraduate at Universitas Negeri Padang

I’m Hafizh. I’m an active student majoring in English Literature at Universitas Negeri Padang. I am a public speaking enthusiast who is also fond of culture. Furthermore, I also joined an organization in order to improve my public speaking skills and communication skills. I have shown great skill in the group as a leader and Master of Ceremony. Apart from the skills I acquired while studying, I also participated in various competitions on provincial and national scale to train my mindset and analysis skills.



Ilmu Sosbud

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30 Agustus 2024   17:02 Diperbarui: 30 Agustus 2024   17:07 50
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Bukittinggi Zoo Stares into the Realm of Freedom

After Indonesia's independence, the political situation did not immediately stabilize. The new Indonesian nation was busy preparing the necessary bodies for an independent state. In addition, the situation of the people at that time was very miserable, hungry and almost without clothes171, political certainty still did not exist, security guarantees were still questionable, the economic situation was not clear. So the chaos at the beginning of independence was felt by almost everyone. The Dutch, who still had the intention to re-colonize Indonesia, began to make various threats to re-occupy Indonesia.

*hasil Translate ini menggunakan bantuan AI

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