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Gregorius Dedy
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Mahasiswa Fakultas Teologi\r\nUniversitas Sanata Dharma\r\nYogyakarta\r\n\r\n



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25 September 2014   05:26 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   23:37 71
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona


(Materialism, Dialectic, and Logic)

Opus Magnumof Tan Malaka’s thought

by Gregorius Prima Dedy Saputro


Tan Malaka is a great intellectual who spoke about the concept of “Republic of Indonesia”. He inspired Sukarno, Muhammad Hatta, and Muhammad Yamin through his thought about freedom, revolution, and republic. Many works of Tan Malaka thought quoted by them; one of them is Naar de Republiek Indonesia. He is adored by Muhammad Yamin, but in fact he is forgotten and unrecognized by the public of Indonesia.

However, Tan Malaka left many works. There are 26 works and the most important is MADILOG. MADILOG is the largest and complex thought. Tan Malaka provides a description of ​​materialism, dialectics, and logic, which explain clearly about what the MADILOG is.

Some issueswill bedescribed inthisdescription: definition ofMADILOG, writer’s background, MADILOG’sdefiniton, benefits, andcriticism ofMADILOG. MADILOG can be a proofthatTanMalakawasa brilliantintellectual who had contribution for theindependenceof Indonesia. In other hand, wecanlearnfrom his strugglesand thoughts.


B.1. Overview of Tan Malaka

TanMalakawas bornin 1897inSuliki, West Sumatra. Hewasthe son of anaristocratandIslamic leader. TanMalakastudiedinDutch schools. Then, because of the adviceofhis teacher, hegoes to school inthe Netherlands. There,he wasattractedto theOctober Revolutionin RussiaandreadingMarxist[1].

In 1919,TanMalakareturnedto Indonesia. Hebecameleader of the PKI in 1921. He wasalmostelectedatthe Dutchparliamentas a representativeofthe CommunistParty ofthe Netherlands. However, his thoughts oncommunismconsidered dangerous tothe Dutchin Indonesia. OneyearlaterDutchcolonialgovernmentthrows him from Indonesia.

Therefore, Tan Malaka'slife becamefugitive. He wasaround89thousandkilometers, has23pseudonyms[2], has 5kinds of jobs(teacher, freelance writer, clerks, foremen, andtailors), becameleaders 9 organization (Murba Party, Republic of Indonesia Party,etc)andwas in jail previously 13times (Philippine, Hong Kong, 11 jails in Java). Hecantravel around the worldasmaster8 languages​​(Minang, Indonesian, Dutch, Russian, German, English, Mandarin, andTagalog). Hediedat 51 years old inEast Java[3].


MADILOG has462 pages and consisting of seven chapters. Tan Malaka wrote the book in Cililitan-Jakarta within 259 days (since July 15th 1942-March30th1943). About three hours per day, Tan Malaka pour his thoughts in writing[4].

MADILOG’spurposeisto bringthe nationout from theirrationalitytowardsmodernrationality. One ofirrationalityis the supernatural mindset(mystical logic). Mysticallogicis the wayof thinkingof seeking truthfromunseen spirits, notbased onreality. Therefore, tofree the nation up frombackwardness, Indonesiashouldhave more confidence inthesciencethanmagic powers[5].

B.2.1 Materialism

Materialism isthe view thatthereisonlythe material andeverything whattheremust bederivedfromthe material. Indonesiashouldthinkmaterialistbecausethe truth is reality, notfrom thesuperstition (tahkayul). Therefore, opponent of the materialism is metaphysic and spiritualism.

In terms ofmaterialism, TanMalakafollowsMarxism-Leninism andEngels. TanMalakathinkmaterialismis the best medicineto themystical logic, but there aretwolimitsof science. Limitsof science make the sciencecannot developto the maximum. The firstlimitisthe externallimit. Societyof capitalhinders the progressof science(MADILOG, 106). Marxism-Leninism thinksthatsciencewill not developfreely. There is alwaysthemasterbehindsuch activities.

B.2.2 Dialectic[6]

Dialectic is a different way of thinking that is a way of thinking reciprocity (MADILOG, 123). All problems have two points of view; in this case we can use concept of thesis and antithesis. If the perspective is not dialectical, the problem is always encountered opposition, but if it using dialectic, the conflict can be used to advancement.

People who think logically will answer all questions "with yes or no" (MADILOG, 117). Meanwhile, people who think dialectically will answer that question with a yes as well as no. Tan Malaka perspective refers to Hegel's idealist dialectic based "ideas, thoughts, or dreams". In fact, the dialectic is supposed to be based on the material, not the idea of ​​being trapped in idealism.

For Tan Malaka, dialectic is important because the dialectic can overcome serious difficulties. Dialectic provides an explanation from the most simple to the complex case. This can be explained by the law of "negation of negation" and quantity changes occur quality changes. In short, the dialectical makes opposition become advancement.

B.2.3 Logical[7]

According to Tan Malaka, think dialectically should not leave the logic. In this case, we shouldn’t contras with dialectic in way of thinking. Logical helps materialism and dialectic to solve problem, especially problem which in mystical and supernatural cases. So that, logic be a good manner to find the rational answers. Logic wants to solve problem with definite answer. A definite problem must be answer with surely answer. Rational logic wants to get rid of the mindset that is based on mystical logic.

B.3. MADILOG’s Benefit

First, MADILOG be the one of intellectual treasure in Indonesia. Tan Malaka gives good analysis and deep thought about materialism, dialectic, and logic which bring Indonesia to the progress. He shows how intellectuals not only smart with concept, but also must be creative to elaborate concept and reality. In other hand, He was successful to bring Western idealism into Indonesia’s culture. With his concept, he brings Indonesia to the progress.

Second, Tan Malaka gives great and complex solution for major problem in Indonesia. He thinks that Indonesia must be going forth from mystical logic and irrationality. Irrationality and mystical logic are dangerous for Indonesia because they make Indonesia haven’t passion to progress. Therefore, his analysis, in reality, make many intellectual want to applicate it.

Third, Autonomous Morality. Tan Malaka gives critical analysis about morality. He begins with a question, ”If heaven and religion aren’t exist again, do people still have morality?” His thought about morality influenced by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). From his question, we can assume that morality doesn’t mean obedience with regulation, but it comes naturally from person itself. For that, each person always has good values to show to each other.

B.4. Critic

First, Tan Malaka’s thought isn’t easy understanding for many people. His thought clearly understood by intellectuals and persons who study about that. Therefore, MADILOG isn’t well known in public of Indonesia. If he wants to spread out his thought to public, he must think more creatively, so that his thought can be accepted by public.

Second, MADILOG is a complex and difficult thought. Tan Malaka’s thought has many links to other intellectuals, such as Immanuel Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Comte, Engels. If that person doesn’t understand before or having study about that before, they just understand MADILOG in what they read, not until the background and the context. In other hand, MADILOG has many topics, such as physic, chemistry, philosophy, and sociology. If that person doesn’t have good enough ability and willingness to understand that, they will confuse.

C.Relevance and Reflection

Tan Malaka is mysterious person who have brilliant thought. Actually, his MADILOG is difficult thought. His biography never been comprehensive because there is not good data about that, but, from his works, we know his passion and his struggle.

From Tan Malaka, we learn to be person who striving the intentions, interest, and truth. He has willingness to become a fugitive, jailed, and hated in finding his dream and idea. We learn to be a struggle person.

In other perspective, we learn from Tan Malaka’s thought. He can use his rationality to think greater. He thinks deeply and hardly for Indonesia. When Sukarno thinks about independence, Tan Malaka thinks about Republic. His thought is visionary and inspiratory for others.



Malaka, Tan,


Press : Jakarta.



1977Tan Malaka: Pejuang Revolusioner yang Kesepian

Prisma : Jakarta.

Magnis Suseno, Franz,


Basis : Jakarta.


2008Bapak Republik yang Dilupakan

TEMPO : Jakarta.

[1] FranzMagnis Suseno,2001, MADILOG-NYA TAN MALAKA, Basis : Jakarta, 45.

[2]Elias Fuentes, Estahislau Rivera, Alisio Rivera-in Philiphine-,HasanWidodo –in Singapore-, Ossorio –in Sanghai-, Ong Song Lee –in Hongkong-, Tan Ming Sion –in Burma-, Legas Hussein, Ramli Hussein, IlyasHussein –in Indonesia-, Cheung Kun Tat –in China-

[3]-, 2008, Bapak Republik yang Dilupakan, TEMPO : Jakarta, 26.

[4] FranzMagnis Suseno,2001, MADILOG-NYA TAN MALAKA, Basis : Jakarta, 46.

[5] FranzMagnis Suseno,2001, MADILOG-NYA TAN MALAKA, 47.

[6] FranzMagnis Suseno,2001, MADILOG-NYA TAN MALAKA, Basis : Jakarta, 49.

[7] FranzMagnis Suseno,2001, MADILOG-NYA TAN MALAKA, 50.

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