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Infp - I love writing short story and poetry.




Fire and Life

6 Desember 2022   22:01 Diperbarui: 6 Desember 2022   22:00 229
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Then, I crouched before him “Are you okay?” My mom shook her head then stroked my head and moved on to hold my cheek, she looked at me so deeply that it penetrated my heart until tears fell into my eyes.

“I am sorry, Adriani.”

“Mom…it is okay, we can through this together.”

Again, and again my mother shook her head, “I am sorry, I cannot keep us.”

With the look on my face that was so confused, I wondered what my mother meant, it seems this is not about our house but there are other things. Then her eyes went to my little sister, I was getting more confused.

“What happen, mom?”

“She was dead, your little sister was dead.” Her hoarse voice stabbed into my heart causing me to fall to my knees and then everything went dark.

The sounds of birds chirping interrupting my hearing made me come back to my senses, I opened my eyes and looked around. I was so surprised and confused at the same time, I saw on my right my mother was asleep and then I looked to the left I could see my little sister was also sleeping, it took me a while to realize it and understand the current situation.

“Wait, it was…”

My eyes darted around again and then chuckled, “…a dream.” I felt relieved but then I did not rule out the possibility that it would come true. In fact, Balqis' father bought this land. I went back to see my mother and younger sister, I was very scared. I do not want to see them cry, I do not want them to see this house destroyed. I feel I have to do something, and something came to my mind that could solve all of this. “This is the right way.”

I went out to look for the ingredients needed around my house and I finally found them, a two-jerry filled with an oil. If you guess that I will do something like you think then the answer is yes, it is. I will burn my own house along with my mother and little sister, but I am not crazy. It is the best way, they will not be sad to see this house destroyed and they will not suffer anymore, especially my mother. What a pity, she has been in pain for a long time. Therefore, I will end her pain and my pain. And for my little sister, I think it is better now than later she will feel the bitterness of this world and later she will lose that beautiful smile, of course I do not want to. Without thinking further, I watered the oil. I first watered it from the outside then from the inside. I flushed all around our bed and all of our equipment, then I struck a match and just threw it away, the fire started, and I went back to bed, looking my mom and my little sister then smiling and closing my eyes.

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