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Giri Lumakto
Giri Lumakto Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Pegiat Literasi Digital

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Like Friendster, Will We Say Goodbye to Facebook?

22 Januari 2014   15:15 Diperbarui: 21 Mei 2019   11:29 187
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A current study from Princeton had revealed that Facebook is experiencing its downfall. And at the beginning of 2015, their users would tremendously decline to 80%. Leaving behind a hollow site filled with unnecessary posts. 

And the main cause of Facebook decline recently is some sort of 'disease'. It spreads fast and viral. It eats out the Facebook in a very unique way. Researchers predicted that Facebook will see a rapid decline, causing the site to lose 80% of its peak user base between 2015 and 2017. (cited from: 

And from my perspective, Facebook has bulk of ads and spasms. Not to forget, the games invitation notifications which are really sometimes annoying. Ads are now becoming 'major' timeline post. Many products are shown. Offering goods or services that we do not actually need. 

Facebook has even lured us to like certain products fans-page by depicting (intentionally) our friends' account. Facebook tells us that my friends love this or that products - as shown on the ads post. It's like saying implicitly, 'So why don't YOU, like us also'. 

And I would simply said. Why should I like your product. And friends (befriend or not) could deliberately and without any consent, tag our name on certain picture. Many times I had friends tagging my name on Blackberry photo. An for me, sorry to say, it is rude. 

It can be said impolite to tag my name on your ads offer without any prior notice or consent. At least before tagging my name, you can inbox me and ask for at least simple notice.

And the least and frequent 'disturbance' is the game invitation in Facebook. Notifications of such things seem endless. And I actually do not know whether my friends giving the invitation really are playing the game. Or it's just simply another ads? 

And all things that I (or maybe you) have undergone, can be said as a disease, hosting in Facebook. And people are experiencing the irksome disease dispersion. 

Basically, Facebook users will lose interest in Facebook over time as their peers lose interest - if the model is correct. 

"Ideas, like diseases, have been shown to spread infectiously between people before eventually dying out, and have been successfully described with epidemiological models," write the researchers. (full research report is here) 

Looking back at the 'death' of Friendster, the disease came very quick and sudden. As the rose of Facebook also contributed to its epic death, Friendster was once had gone its glorious moment in social networking. 

Google wanted to buy it for $30 million back in 2003, but - burdened by technical glitches and a more nimble competitor in Facebook - it was pretty much dead in the U.S. by 2006. 

It ended up being a kind of "controlled demolition," with weakly connected chains of friends quickly disintegrating, says David Garcia, a professor with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and one of the authors of a recent paper analyzing Friendster's demise (here). (cited from 

A diagram of the Friendster demolition is depicted below. And you might find it is quite easy to follow and understand.

Image: The Demolition of Friendster
Image: The Demolition of Friendster
The researchers describe heart of successful networks in terms of what that they call K-cores. These are subset of users who not only have a lot of friends, but they have "resilience and social influence" 

Garcia says. As these K-cores disintegrated, the whole Friendster thing fell apart. And for Facebook, the decline would simply the interests' of users which are now disturbed and compromised. 

Swarming of ads and unnecessary notifications and photos-tagging, Facebook is paving its way to the downfall. And the major group in Facebook (as K-cores in Friendster) are loyal and long-time users, such as me feel and see this 'big scene'. 

I and maybe other users may see the improvement, triggered by the IPO of Facebook, had degraded the essence of Facebook friendship. Long time ago, Facebook really connected friends. It was a true social media. 

But now, it has deliberately become ads site. It has eroded the friendship interaction and emotion. Our timeline is much sorted and personalized, that we only see ads and not-so-important news. 

Too many buttons to click in Facebook. And for sure, I only open Facebook just as I open my fridge. Though it has only the same things, I actually open it to see is anything would change. And no, nothing has changed. 


Solo, 22 January 2014 

03:07 pm

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