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Giri Lumakto
Giri Lumakto Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Pegiat Literasi Digital

Digital Ethicist | Pemerhati Pendidikan Literasi Digital, Teknologi, dan Budaya | Curriculum Developer for Tular Nalar from | K'ers of The Year 2018 | LPDP 2016 | STA Australia Awards 2019 | LinkedIn: girilumakto | Twitter: @lumaktonian | email:



Sosbud Pilihan

Social Media, Is It 'That' Social?

8 September 2014   06:26 Diperbarui: 21 Mei 2019   09:58 79
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.
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Social Media - Illustration:

Then the question arises. Is the sensing proposition has been shifted by the imaginary one? From time to time, both proposition are in duel. Not that I said the other would defeat its opposition. It maybe that these two propositions are struggling to survive. 

However, the sensing would still prevail. Because our social blueprint is made to meet and interact each other. Though, while imaginary interaction serves for friends separated by time and location. 

So, can we say whether the social media is 'that' social? In present time, we still can say not 'that' social. In future time, with the rapid growth and innovation of technology, being social can be like that of the Surrogate movie depict. 


Solo, September 7 2014 

11:20 pm

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