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Gia Mohon Tunggu... Konsultan - One of the 2% INTJ population in the world. Welcome to my random thoughts :)

IG: @giasintha | Podcast: BEDAH OTAK



Gaya Hidup

The Nitty Gritty

14 Februari 2017   15:04 Diperbarui: 4 Maret 2017   18:01 199
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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

I met an old foreigner couple once, they happened to be a client of mine. Something about them made me feel extremely appreciated and oddly, happy. It turns out that the way they treat people is not as something they need to do, merely for something they want to do. They smile with purity and say gratitude with heart. Subconsciously, I do the same at them in return. And surprisingly, I felt really good afterward. Thanks to this beautiful couple, I learned that kindness is actually contagious.

I once helped a Japanese man in my head office drop off. He took a taxi but had no small change to pay, asked every one along the way but no one cared. I approached him and shared a little help. This stranger thanked me profusely as if I had done something big. The moral of this story is no matter how small you think the kindness you share, it can be big to others.

It is not easy to do this on daily basis, especially when you are facing abundant people with less love. But somehow it will make you happy only by sharing your love, and make you even happier when they do the same in return. My late grandpa once cited, "It is never too late to do good deeds, my dear!”.

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In essence, the key to implement all these basic actions is to set aside your ego. You will be overwhelmed of how good you can actually be.

And always remember my friend, big changes occur with a little love you share: the nitty-gritty to a better generation.

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