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Blogger dan Influencer, Tukang Cari Gratisan?

21 Januari 2018   14:18 Diperbarui: 25 Januari 2018   06:00 6377
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.
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Ketika job review salah satu hotel di Singapura. (Foto:

Charleville Lodge Hotel. (Foto:
Charleville Lodge Hotel. (Foto:
Mereka yang pro, jelas berkomentar mendukung apa yang dilakukan Stenson, sambil nyinyir ke Darby. Beberapa saya kutip di sini:

Colin Brownlee : Congrats from a hotelier in Costa Rica. Thanks for having the balls to say what we feel like saying. If you are a hotel that has to rely on flaky people like this for business, you better shut the doors. If I am in Ireland (on the bucket list), I WILL STAY AT YOUR PLACE! Cheers. Colin.

Kelli Marks : There is so much I love about your response. First she fails to substantiate her "influence" conversion into customers = lift to revenue. You wittingly throw data to support you have a larger audience in multiple platforms, you've disarmed her positioning. If ever I'm in town I will definitely stay here! Love from SF!

Max Rathbone : I actually have 88.4k Instagram followers, I don't expect a free room but could I have a complimentary towel and perhaps extra shower gels to take home with me?

Elle Darby, social media influencer. (Foto: Elle Darby Youtube)
Elle Darby, social media influencer. (Foto: Elle Darby Youtube)
Sebaliknya yang kontra, memberi dukungan kepada Darby sambil mencerca Stenson.

Julie Wiltshire : I see nothing wrong with this. The world is moving forward and social media and bloggers are a serious form of advertising. Iv come across and bought things because of them recommending them...just the same as people buy things by looking at ads on tv. Why shouldnt they get paid or at the very least get a discount for staying at your hotel if they are going to market your brand?? I really dont see the problem. Her email describing Orlando etc is in essence her cv and it proves what reach she has. If you dont agree with bloggers and their way Paulie, you could have just replied to her email and said no instead of copying her, what i assume should have been confidential email, to social media and then slated her. Thats just bullying. And you might get your hotel highlighted because of it but in my opinion, you painted your hotel and yourself in a very negative light.

Olivia McCracken : This is part of an influences job. I know that it works because I've stayed in hotels based on watching someone promote it in a video. So WHAT she asked the question. It's a business and this hotel is wildly unprofessional considering you apparently know how the influencers jobs work....I've seen countless youtubers stay in hotels paid for to promote them.

Holly Cockerill : Wow! How embarrassing for your business by uploading this! If you didn't want to collaborate a simple no would of been okay, exposing someone like this is very unprofessional. You run a business and so do influencers, she offered a nice gesture for your business for you to potentially get more money by bringing people in as a lot of people follow what influencers do. Basically you've fucked up by doing this. Like I said a simple 'no thankyou' would of been better

Akun Yotube Elle Darby. (Screenshot: Youtube Elle Darby)
Akun Yotube Elle Darby. (Screenshot: Youtube Elle Darby)
Tidak hanya di Facebook dan Youtube, kasus ini akhirnya 'meledak' juga di media mainstream. Media sekaliber Independent yang bermarkas di London mengulas. Tak ketinggalan juga menuliskannya pada rubrik travel.

Bisa ditebak, responnya sama: pro dan kontra. Tapi di, banyak juga yang justru menyudutkan Darby. Baca saja beberapa komentar tersebut, termasuk ada yang menyebut Darby sebagai "pengemis terkenal dari yutub":

Gayuh Lestari : salut. tegas n berani memperjuangkan bisnis yg diyakkininya dg gigih n realistis. org yg gaya n sok tenar ini emg byk skrg. sok bs dpt segalanya gratis

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