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Garbage Insurance Clinic Report

15 September 2013   19:30 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   07:51 190
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Garbage Insurance Clinic (GIC)

Health is the responsibility of every individual and community as the recipients of health services as well as public and private health care providers. Any endeavours that are arranged by the government and private sectors in enhancing the quality of public health will not have significant impacts if it is not accompanied by the individuals and communities awareness to independently maintain their health. Therefore, the active roles of individuals and communities will determine the success of the health services. The active role of individuals and communities surely can not be separated from health workers’ endeavours to build health awareness and knowledge in order to be able to enhance their own health status.

To answer this challenge, optimum endeavours should be made in organizing community. It is conducted in order to achieve public health goals, the principle of which are to gather public potentials or resources from the society itself to the health endeavours, such as promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects, and to be able to manage its finance. From these circumstances, we have established what we call a Garbage Insurance Clinic (GIC) to try to build an effective and eficient micro health funding which is run by minimum effort, and can lead to optimum results.

Garbage Clinical Insurance (GIC) is a health insurance program which uses garbage as financial program. With this program, residents give sufficient garbage to the clinic. Every weekend, residents carry organic and non-organic waste to a collection point near the clinic to be directly processed and sold. For fertilizer waste processing results, we cooperate with the fertilizer salesman pivot system. While non-organic waste directly sold to collect waste.

Afterward, residents’ collected garbage is processed into money as "health fund" through two ways. First of all, organic garbage is processed to be fertilizer by applying the method of Takakura. In the Takakura composting method, organic waste is broken down by micro-organisms that are cultivated from local materials. The method involves making a seed compost from fermented solutions and a fermenting bed. Organic waste is mixed with the seed compost and left to degrade in a ventilated container or basket.

Secondly, inorganic garbage, such as paper, cans, bottles, plastic, is sold to the collectors. The fund that has already collected is used for health care in a holistic manner, ie the patient's treatment (curative), and making health care quality improvement programs (promotive), preventing illness (preventive), and rehabilitative aspects.

There are four standards of excellence of this program. First of all, GIC promotes social enterpreneurship, which isthe process of pursuing innovative solutions to social problems, and the entire profit of this program is used for financing a clinic and health program for residents in Lowokwaru District, Malang City, Indonesia. Secondly, this program uses garbage as the source of finance. In this area of Indonesia, residents must pay dues 5,000 IDR to dispose their garbage. GIC offers residents the opportunity to submit their garbage to clinic, and in return, they recieve free treatment, in-clinic counseling, and promotive, preventive, and rehabilitative health programs.

Third, GIC applies a holistic health care system. Currently, standard clinics’ services concentrate their efforts on treating the sick people, while GIC applies a holistic health system that improves the health treatment (promotion), prevents illness (preventive), treats the sick (curative), and rehabilitates people after illness (rehabilitative). Fourth, GIC has broad access. The insurance system with garbage gives the GIC insurance system broad access to the community because almost every day every house produces garbage which is not used, so that all citizens can join GIC program.

Every program which wants to have big implications should possess the power of sustainability. In order to build sustainability, GIC prepares health resources, especially human recources, fund, and communal organization.

Human resources in GIC are recruited from all clusters of healthworkers, such as, doctors, midwives, nurses, pharmacists, denstists,and health volunteers. In terms of funding, GIC conducts a micro finance insurance based community fund as mentioned above.Thiscommunal organization has the capacity to develop and to maintain GIC independently, which is strong in legally and have a lot of community support. In empowering a communal organization, GIChas three steps, namely, building the system, stabilizing, and establishing independence.

In optimizing this program, GIC advocates the leader in the community for structural and cultural support, and advertises the program across the community in order to ensure that the community has broad participation. The funding of this project in term of operasional matter is collected by managing garbage from members of the clinic as mentioned above.

GIC has already had a lot of members which can access clinic health service and health promotion only with submittingtheir garbage tothe clinic. GIC has distributed cards for those in need to get clinic facilities for free without becoming a member. GIC duplicates its clinic in other places to enhance and spread its usefulness in broader zones. Physicians run this program on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 6 am to 9 am.

GIC also conducts creative health education and promotion in spesific segmentation. For instance, GIC conducts health promotion about geriatric diseases for elderly people, health pregnancy, childbirth, and the importance of breastfeeding for pregnant and lactating mothers, reproductive health for adolescents, clean and healthy lifestyle for kindergarten children, andmany more. Besides that, GIC creates and distributes a health book, and holds anutritionconsultation service. In the rehabilitation program, GIC staff conducts home visits for patients with chronic diseases and monitors those chronic diseases with laboratory studies. GIC has also developed telemedicine to provide individuals with health counseling by telephone for free. All of these programs are paid with garbage from the community.

Garbage Clinical Insurance (GIC) paid by garbage is a health insurance system with funding through the garbage which can be patented, duplicated in other regions, and can be adopted as government program to improve the access to public health.


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