There are days he recognized as a great day. It was the turn of the lunar calendar in the Chinese tradition, or Lunar New Year. "Captain celebrate with us allow the crew to eat chicken and pork," he said. But for the Imam and his colleagues are Muslims, pork is forbidden. "What I saw pork tormented dihidang special moment," said Imam.
After the Chinese New Year? Menu back to the usual things: stew. Vegetables, green beans and plain white rice was served only twice in 24 hours. The rest is an hour worked. Bait at night and attract fish began early in the morning until the morning. (See also: The Story of The Slave Ship Indonesia Above Hell)
Being in the middle of the ocean made him miss wracked weight to my hometown. Especially when Eid arrived. But Imam could not contact anyone on the mainland there. Actually, there are satellite phones belonging to the captain. He could have borrowed it. "But then every ten minute priced at US $ 500. The price is impossible to promise a salary of US $ 180 per month," said Imam.
During the work, according to Imam, not the slightest ship facilities which he enjoyed. Even to smoke a cigarette, he had to fight with the captain. Later he was given cigarettes at rest he must redeem by cutting his salary per month. "The captain had a log book for our spending his slaves," he said.
The ship belongs to Kwo Jeng 07 Rich Trading Co. Ltd. of Taiwan's flag, there were 13 slaves, seven people from Indonesia, six are from China, three Vietnamese nationals. Two boat skipper, each interpreter engine of China and the captain comes from Taiwan. These ocean voyage in the Atlantic. Occasionally they penetrated the beautiful waters of the Caribbean where the story begins captain Jack Sparrow.
Asked the cleanliness issue, Imam chuckle. Clean water is only intended for the captain, the skipper of the vessel with his right hand engine guard. While ABK, for two years using sea water bath. "Soap shampoo cut again from salary, so do not wear mending shampoo or shower is not all," he said. Besides, he added jokingly, would also make handsome seen anyone, people in the middle of the ocean so. "(See Infographics: Poor facilities in Hell ship crew).
Health issues, is also minimal. Each torture scars never given the drug. Most, said Imam, the slaves wound heal itself. Almost like a miracle. "Once I was sick, eating raw fish, like in a Japanese restaurant I thought, even cured," said Imam.
So what if the slave pleasure working appreciated by Captain? Imam never catch a big tuna. The captain was proud of him. What is the prize? "I was given a candy, that's all," he said.
Once he thought to revolt. But alas, the captain had weapons which he had hidden. So, where the slave ships dare disobey. "The threat to kill it seems like every time, apart from nature with the waves rolling also of the captain who had firearms," ​​he said. (See also: The Story of The Slave Ship Indonesia Above Hell)