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Ilmu Sosbud

Parents Should Not Give Gadgets to Children

27 Mei 2024   22:48 Diperbarui: 27 Mei 2024   23:10 52
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Smartphones, tablets, and laptop computers are now usual in today's digital world, affecting every area of our life. While these devices provide several benefits, their impact on children is a rising source of concern. This analytical exposition will demonstrate that parents should not give gadgets to their children. 

In human life there is a golden age which plays an important role in human development. That section of life takes place in the age of 0 until 6 years old which is in the 'child' time. According to research, the brain develops quickly during this golden age, and the child's environment and activities have significant effects on this development. Traditional play, which includes hands-on activities and imaginary scenarios, is essential for improving problem-solving abilities, creativity, and critical thinking. Passive consumption of digital content, on the other hand, frequently lacks interactive components and can damage a child's ability to focus, process information, and think deeply. Parents can promote healthier cognitive growth and ensure their children develop critical minds by limiting their usage of gadgets.

Another cognitive difficulty affecting children is their speaking skills. A study of children aged 3-4 years found that increased gadget use can cause speech delays. The increasing use of devices among young children raises worries about their impact on early development, particularly communication skills. Excessive screen time can impair children's capacity to communicate effectively, highlighting the importance of parental oversight and intervention to promote healthy language development.

In addition, excessive gadget use may also impact a child's social skills. Social contacts in this golden age are essential for learning communication, empathy, and collaboration. Gadgets frequently offer isolated experiences or virtual connections that lack face-to-face contact. Children who spend too much time on screens may struggle in society, have difficulties in making friends, and have less empathy for others. Supporting real-life interactions and play can help children develop strong social and emotional intelligence.

To summarize, while gadgets are an essential part of modern life, their harmful impact on children's physical health, cognitive development, and social skills must not be neglected. The golden era of childhood is critical for development, and excessive gadget use may severely block a child's progress in these areas. By monitoring the use of gadget, parents can ensure that their children grow into balanced persons with excellent cognitive, linguistic, and social skills. It is critical to prioritize children's long-term well-being over the temporary convenience of gadget use.


Nirwana, N., Mappapoleonro, A. M., & Chairunnisa, C. (2018). The effect of gadget toward early childhood speaking ability. Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies, 7(2), 85-90.

Putra, W. (2022). Cognitive Development in the Golden Ages. Journal of Educational Analytics, 1(3), 215-224.

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