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Bachelor of Education in English Language Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang



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From Ideas to Impact, Cultivating Youth Innovation & Entrepreneurship Talent in YBB World Youth Festival 2024

22 Oktober 2024   13:22 Diperbarui: 22 Oktober 2024   13:46 133
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The Youth Break the Boundaries Foundation's World Youth Festival 2024 (08-06 October 2024) in Kuala Lumpur has successfully concluded with a long-lasting impact. 

The event, which enrolled by 100 participants from 8 countries, provided an opportunity for them to take part in a series of workshops, talks and activities designed to facilitates young people to engage in business potential, cross-cultural exchange, and collaboration to address global challenges.

 Possibly, an economic growth might be created by these young innovators as they develop their business ideas. The event emphasizes that innovation encouraged by these youth is rather finding solutions to global issues than just a competition.

Founded by Muhammad Aldi Subakti and Meldi Lathifah, Youth Break the Boundaries (YBB) is a youth leadership social organization dedicated to encourage young people to improve their skills and education in order to build generation of leaders through cross-cultural collaboration. 

They aim to break down barriers that limit young people's potential and create platforms that encourage youth engagement in global issues. 

The “foundation” also offered scholarships, frequently organized events and workshops. Although associated with youth, YBB is not limited to young people, YBB opens opportunities for all eligible ages in their activities, such as the World Youth Festival which provides opportunities to network, learn, and contribute to solving social problems.

Cultivating Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation Talent

The World Youth Festival 2024 (WYF) encourage the importance of converting business ideas into execution which is a critical part of establishing a sustainable global industry.

The festival showcases youth-led initiatives and startups that begin with an innovative concept and blossom into influential projects and businesses. For instance, the first-place winner of the event's business idea, “coco plastic”, a product that promotes bio-circular economy by using cocopeat, a coconut fruit waste for creating eco-friendly phone cases. 

According to Roya, one of the team members expressed her impression of the event, “I feel very happy to be here. We gave an amazing presentation, and I had a lot of fun during the event." Another participant ( 

This reflects the spirit of collaboration and learning fostered at WYF 2024. Alif Crytovan Sinaga from Thursina IIBS, with his team product “Botaniq”, a pot designed with built-in sensors and artificial intelligence (AI) technology to maintain the right conditions for plant growth, expressed his impressions of the event.

 “This program is amazing! It enhanced our leadership and self-development while connecting us with participants from countries like China and Cambodia.” Additionally, The Azerbaijani team considers Generation Z as a potential customer base due to their concern for the environment and their preference for eco-friendly products.

"Botaniq" 1st Winner of Student Category at WYF 2024 ( 

"Coco Case" 1st Winner of Bussiness Plan at WYF 2024 (

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