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College Sororities: Women's Empowerment and Community Building in American Colleges

31 Mei 2023   20:32 Diperbarui: 31 Mei 2023   20:44 243
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Theme: College fraternities and sororities



1) Firda Ayu Nirmala (122111233033)

2) Gabriella Joselyn K. (122111233068) 

3) Ragwan (122111233181)


In America, college life is one of the cultural aspects that is deeply rooted in their social life. In college life, a fraternal organization was formed which could be said to be one of the tools to bond the relationship between students. These are known as sororities. The sororities system itself was first established in 1870. However, at that time, this community had not been named as Sororities, but as collegiate women's fraternal organizations, which aimed to provide many benefits to its members (Cohen, McCreary, and Schutts 2017). 

Sororities originally provided a source of solidarity and support for their members who saw themselves as unwanted minorities on male-dominated college campuses in the late 19th Century (Turk 2004). 

Then the concept of Sororities continues to develop and expand itself, which initially Sororities aim to provide solidarity and support to its members, turning into a social experience that gives a sense of ownership to its members or female students (Turk 2004). One of the main purposes of this college sorority is to push the members' academic achievements by doing several academic activities programs, such as study groups, tutoring services, and scholarship opportunities. This purpose, shed light on how sororities would not only support their individual members' academic achievements but also give an impactful meaning about the importance of women's intellectual. 

Research related to American college sororities as a culture in Indonesia is very limited, and not many Indonesian people know about this phenomenon. The fact that there are significant differences between college life in America and Indonesia is a very interesting thing to discuss. Then the question arises whether this sororities culture can be applied in Indonesia and whether this is compatible with Indonesian culture. The purpose of this essay is to examine the role that college sororities play in empowering women and fostering a sense of community in American universities, which evolves into American culture. 

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