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Ilmu Sosbud

Analysis A Poem "Introvert" by Rupi Kaur

21 Januari 2022   18:14 Diperbarui: 21 Januari 2022   18:27 929
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Kaur Thesis Steatment :

Introvert is one type of personality where they are more likely to focus on thoughts, feelings, and emotions that come from within those who have this personality as the title of the poem that I will discuss is entitled introvert.

Quotation from the poem :

The following is a quote from Rupi Kaur's the short poem entitled Introvert to strengthen my thesis statement. The kind of exhausted that has nothing to do, with sleep and Everything to do with people around me.

The issue in introverted poetry in my opinion is a psychological issue because it concerns the personality of an introverted author, not something that can be categorized as a negative personality, but many think that introverts are equated with anti-social. discussing this poem that describes a person's struggle as an introvert, how when someone is directly faced with a feeling of "tiredness" the word "exhausted" doesn't really explain specifically what kind of tiredness is. maybe I think it's physical or mental fatigue that causes someone who is introverted to struggle with it. in the poem it also seems like someone who is fighting despair about how to get past life's obstacles.

The theme of the introverted poem is about someone or maybe the author because he uses pronouns, namely (I) facing life's obstacles with despair and someone who is struggling to become an introverted personality. This introverted personality is sometimes what makes someone who has that personality prefer to be alone even to recover a very tired mind having to have inner wars finally getting hurt because it is tired of someone to fight alone because of the personality that is the limit.

The conflict are character vs self because the representation of the poem illustrates that author is struggling with a personality, namely an introvert, where the author feels tired and there is no relationship when the author is resting or with the closest people. In my opinion, from that sentence, there is indeed a conflict with a personality that is difficult to understand and only a few people may understand the struggle behind being an introvert.

The character in this poem is a protagonist in my opinion, because from the sentence I quote the following "makes me the kind of exhausted". what happens here is that author is hurt, feeling tired of what is happening and maybe that author has a problem so it is really at the point of being tiring to face all problems alone, when you have to fight alone plus having an introverted personality is not easy. it's not easy to it's not easy to share stories with other people who only see themselves. This person or maybe the author feels that hurt by the existing conditions.


Exposition: in introvert poetry the character recognition is using the pronoun (I) maybe I can refer to the author or character whose identity is not described. the setting in this story is around the author's environment, because I see it from the sentence 'This place' can happen at home, maybe that's what makes an author feel tired.

Rising action: Author is facing a difficult time, namely being in a "place" that makes the author tired of the things a person is facing even the author says it has nothing to do with the activity that someone is doing. the author is just feeling tired

Climax: the feeling of tiredness that is experienced is getting worse so that despair begins to exist. maybe trauma or the past is the reason this person turns into an introvert.

Faling action: a feeling of tiredness that makes an author act as if nothing happened. The author will become an introvert followed by some problems faced.

Denouement: The author stops or contemplates in the sense of resting for a moment his chaotic mind and does not care about activities because of the discomfort of "place".

Setting: The setting in the poem only writes "the place" in my opinion it is not explained specifically about the setting of the place but it could be that the setting of the place is home.

Point of view: point of view: using a first - person narrator, i.e. telling from one perspective based on the author's point of view, usually using the pronoun "I" or we" for the reader as if could imagine the character's actions. (Body paragraph)

The conclusion is that being an introvert requires a huge struggle to get through the obstacles and problems one faces. introverts also teach us to control our emotions, thoughts, and caution in expressing something, introverts are not a negative personality, it's just that those who have it have their own way of expressing and even acting.

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