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Fina Azizah D

Fina Azizah Dantika. Lahir di Sumedang, tanggal 16 Desember 1997,merupakan anak ketiga dari orangtua yang luar biasa hebat. Tsanawiyyah/MTS Al-Furqon Tahun 2010, Madrasah Aliyah Swasta/MAS Darussalam Tahun 2013, Kuliah S-1 di STAI PERSIS BANDUNG Jurusan PAI, Lulus Tahun 2022 dan sekarang kuliah S-2 di Prasarjana Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung masuk melalui Jalur Mandiri. Motivasi masuk ke S2 MPI UIN SGD : Ingin mengembangkan ilmu dalam dunia pendidikan dan menunjang cita-cita yang diharapkan sebagai Dosen Pendidikan.



Ilmu Sosbud

Market Day Means Enterpreneurship for Student

17 Mei 2024   15:00 Diperbarui: 17 Mei 2024   15:00 153
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The target to be achieved is to foster and enterpreneurial spirit in students, innovation power, creativity and cooperation beetween groups. 

Market day activities carried out by all Al Kenzie Elementary School students as well as collaboration carried out by representatives of each class. They don't just sell food or just trade, but the children have to choose food ingredients, of course healthy, nutritious food, make the food, serve it, sell it and be able to present each food item. 

Before the market day performance was held, all students presented their presentations in front of their friends and class teachers. If the food is sutaible for sale then they enter the food making process. But on the other hand, if the food is not sutaible, then they have to choose other food. The minimum food served is IDR 2.000,- with each group selling 20 pieces of each type. The capital is collective money and the result are calculated evenly by each group. 

Thankyou :) 

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