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Fetty Fajriati
Fetty Fajriati Mohon Tunggu... -

Fetty Fajriati adalah mantan penyiar/reporter RCTI, mantan Humas The Habibie Center, mantan Wakil Ketua Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) Pusat. Fetty masih tercatat sebagai salah seorang associate Fellow di The Habibie Center, dan kegiatannya sekarang adalah menjadi pengajar, trainer, penulis lepas, dan ibu rumah tangga.




A Little Chat at Trafalgar Square, After The Royal Wedding

21 Mei 2011   18:23 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   05:23 80
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“Hey…’s almost 5!”, Xiao Nie shouted. We looked around, there were still a bunch of people gathered in Trafalgar Square. But we remembered to do some shopping before we went back to our “bed and breakfast” hotel. We stood up.

“What a nice day!”, I proclaimed. “Thank you, guys…..”. The girls looked at me.

“Thank you, for what?”, asked Laurie. “For the nice chat..!”, I continued.

“That’s what friends are for, right?”, said Annabel. “We share……and we learn each other, we are coming from different countries…..there are so many perspectives…..but the experience make us better”.

I could not agree more. Studying abroad has brought me into a different world I have never been. I feel so lucky for being me; for the reason I only know. I cannot wait for returning home, though I am still excited for living here, taking my Master Degree.  It is not the degree that counts, but the positive changes I have made for my future! Next November, I will marry the man in my life. I convince myself that living together before marriage will provide nothing for my future happiness. I promise myself to make my marriage work!.

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