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Dosen Pengampu: Puput Iswaudyah Raysharie, SE., ME Mata Kuliah: Pengantar Ekonomi Mikro Jurusan: Akuntansi (C)



Ilmu Sosbud

Uncovering Conflicts of Interest in the Accounting and Auditing Professions, The Case of PT Garuda Indonesia

10 Oktober 2024   23:59 Diperbarui: 11 Oktober 2024   00:11 14
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Uncovering Conflicts of Interest in the Accounting and Auditing Professions: The Case of PT Garuda Indonesia

Have you ever imagined what happens when an accountant responsible for maintaining the accuracy of financial reports has personal interests in the company they are auditing? Or when an auditor is pressured by management to "embellish" financial statements to make them more appealing to investors? 

These are not merely hypothetical scenarios---such cases have occurred and have triggered major scandals. Conflicts of interest in the accounting and auditing professions are not just matters of individual ethics but also systemic challenges that can threaten the integrity of financial markets as a whole.

According to the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), "integrity and transparency are the cornerstones of the accounting profession, and any form of conflict of interest must be promptly identified and addressed to maintain public trust."

Conflicts of interest in accounting and auditing can manifest in various forms, including:

Financial Interests: Accountants who hold investments, such as shares, in the company they audit may have an incentive to manipulate financial reports for personal gain.

Personal Relationships: Emotional closeness or personal relationships with management of the audited company can compromise the objectivity and independence of the auditor.

Client Pressure: Auditors often face pressure from clients to issue favorable audit opinions, which can threaten the integrity and quality of audit reports and potentially influence the continuation of business contracts. The Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAPI) emphasizes that "conflicts of interest involving accountants and auditors must be prevented through the enforcement of strict codes of ethics and continuous oversight."

Case Study: PT Garuda Indonesia

The 2019 PT Garuda Indonesia case provides a real-world example of conflicts of interest in the accounting and auditing professions. That year, Garuda Indonesia reported net profits that were influenced by the recognition of invalid revenue amounting to USD 239 million from an incomplete contract. 

A conflict of interest arose when internal accountants and auditors were allegedly pressured by management to manipulate financial statements, resulting in reported profits despite the company actually experiencing losses. The public accounting firm, Tanubrata, Sutanto, Fahmi, Bambang & Rekan, responsible for auditing the financial statements, failed to maintain their independence. 

They issued an unqualified opinion, even though the financial statements did not comply with accounting standards. As the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) states, "successful auditing relies on a strong commitment to independence that protects public interest and market integrity."

Consequences of the Conflict of Interest

Sanctions from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX): Garuda Indonesia was fined by the OJK for violations of accounting standards in revenue recognition, including penalties for the CEO and board of directors.

Reputational Damage: The reputations of both Garuda and the public accounting firm involved were tarnished due to allegations of violating accounting principles and lacking transparency.

Loss of Investor Confidence: The manipulation of financial reports led investors to question the reliability of the company's information, negatively affecting Garuda's stock price and financial stability.

Solutions for Addressing Conflicts of Interest

Implementation of Stricter Accounting Standards: Garuda Indonesia must rigorously adhere to the Financial Accounting Standards (SAK) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Revenue should only be recognized when it is actually realized, and the recognition of uncertain income must be avoided.

Enhanced Oversight by Regulators: The OJK and IDX should increase their scrutiny of company financial statements by conducting periodic independent audits. This measure will help identify potential manipulations and improve accountability.

Ethical Commitment from Accountants and Auditors: Professionals in the accounting and auditing fields must have a strong commitment to independence and integrity. They must be able to resist management pressure and adhere to high ethical standards in carrying out their duties.

The PT Garuda Indonesia case highlights the dangers of conflicts of interest that arise when weak internal controls meet strong external pressures. Accountants and auditors, who are supposed to serve as independent overseers, failed to maintain their objectivity in this case. This demonstrates the need to strengthen both internal and external oversight systems to prevent similar incidents in the future.

From an economic perspective, the manipulation of financial statements can distort the market, where stock prices and company valuations do not reflect the actual financial condition. Furthermore, ethical violations involving accounting and auditing professionals risk eroding public trust in the profession, underscoring the need for stricter regulations and better ethics training and education.

In conclusion, PT Garuda Indonesia faces a complex set of challenges, but with the right strategic approach, the company has the potential to recover from this crisis. Through debt restructuring, service diversification, efficient cost management, and improved transparency and communication, Garuda has the opportunity not only to rebound but also to thrive in the future. In this highly dynamic industry, innovation and adaptation will be key to success.


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