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Farisa Mutiara Nazhiva
Farisa Mutiara Nazhiva Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa S1 Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta





Sufferers of Bipolar Disorder: The Impact of Childhood Trauma

20 Desember 2024   21:00 Diperbarui: 20 Desember 2024   19:41 46
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Violence and trauma in a person's childhood can leave traces that cause bipolar disorder. Have you often heard the term bipolar disorder? This article will tell you about  how trauma in childhood can affect a person's growth.  

Bipolar is a term that refers to someone affected by a mental disorder characterized by extreme mood swings. Childhood trauma is one of the causes of someone who has bipolar disorder. This matter can't be underestimated because it can disturb her activities and someone's as well. 

According to PH Wedanthi (2022) childhood trauma and the environment can influence someone's behavior marked by several changes, specifically: 

Mood Changes

 Mood changes are how a person's feelings change verry extreme. When someone at first felt verry happy and suddenly the mood changes to become verry sad or tired. Usually, this incident is called hipomania.

Disturbance at Sleep 

Lack of sleep can distrub mood and thoughts. Usually, someone who's affected by bipolar disorder experiences intermittent sleep. In one case there was a person whose need for sleep was reduced, indicated by a reduced sleep time of 7-8 hours where he often woke up at 02.00-03.00.


Self-harm is the act of harming oneself as a way to distract intense emotional feelings into the form of physical pain. In one case it was proven by the case of someone who fought with his uncle. He preferred to self-harm by hitting his hand against the wall.

According to ANN Rahayu dan E Prewita (2024) there is a link between childhood trauma and the risk of bipolar disorder. Proven by study of the effect of childhood trauma on bipolar disorder showed a significant assosiation. Trauma from violence as a child has been proven to have a psychological impact as a teenager. 

So, it can be concluded that violence and trauma experienced in a person's childhood can leave traces that affect mental health, even bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is characterized by mood changes, disturbance at sleep, and self-harm. Research shows that violence trauma in childhood has a significant psychological impact and can increase the risk of bipolar disorder in adulthood. That's why it is important for us to pay more attention to child growth.  

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