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Abdullah Faqih
Abdullah Faqih Mohon Tunggu... Petani - Mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Lamalera Wonder Women: Initiator of Green and Clean Improvement for Their Local

30 Januari 2018   12:58 Diperbarui: 2 Februari 2018   17:45 825
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In 2011, Lamalera local women's hope for a better access towards electricity finally has been granted when Kopernik came to their village. Kopernik is an Indonesia-based non-profit organization that connects basic technology to last mile communities to reduce poverty. This philanthropist venture was founded by Toshi Nakamura and Ewa Wojkowska. 

Previously, they worked together in United Nation before finally resigned to build Kopernik in 2010. One of their most recognized works is Ibu Inspirasior Wonder Woman Initiative which distributing bright and clean energy of solar-powered lamp to the women in rural areas.  

The S20 and S300 solar-powered lamps have practical design, simple, could be easily moved, light but also resilient. In order to operate the lamp, Lamalera local women would only need to expose it to direct sunlight to gain energy. With maximum sunlight, roughly the lamp would stay for 8 hours, but it would only stay for about 4 hours if the sunlight was not strong enough (ie: cloudy weather). It makes the solar-powered lamp to be categorized as green technology since it doesn't need fossil fuel and only uses natural sunlight as its main energy source.

Kopernik's solar-powered lamps were priced between Rp 200.00,00 until Rp 500.000,00 with one-year warranty.  The lamps, which shaped like bottle drinks, were originally distributed to replace kerosene lanters which largely used by the villagers in Lamalera village, in addition to provide their basic electrical needs that they did not get from PLN.  

However, Kopernik did not give the lamps for free to the Lamalera local women. They believe any aid that comes for free will not change their life into a better one. Toshi said, "we can't treat them as passive aid recipients, we need them to develop themselves and live a sustainable life".

Due to the reason, Kopernik recruited several women to be micro social entrepreneur who are responsible to distribute the solar-powered lamps to those who experience energy scarcity. Those women are called as ibu inspirasior wonder woman by Kopernik due to their effort in helping the improvement of many local women's life by distributing green technology. From each of the solar-powered lamps that they managed to sell, they gained their commission or additional income. 

They indeed are not the one who created their own solar-powered lamps, they 'only' act as distributor from Kopernik. Even so, they have the right to decide their selling price, according to how far the distance is and the kind of transportation they used.  For example, Kopernik set the price for one unit of solar-powered lamp for Rp. 200.000,00 -- Rp. 500.000,00, while the wonder women have the right to sell it more than the original price set by Kopernik. They are also free to choose over credit, cash, or other method as their payment system.

Those wonder women are not merely distributing the solar-powered lamps but they were also given several trainings to improve their essential soft skills that matter for their own life, such as financial literacy that include on how to manage household finance, marketing, and other skills to start their journey in using technology as marketing tools.  

Wonder Women for Wonderful Change

There are a lot of changes experienced by Lamalera villagers since Kopernik introduced their solar-powered lamps. Now the children are able to study comfortably. The women are finally managed to make woven fabric and do their house chores with proper lighting. As well with the men, they are no longer afraid about going home empty handed since they have proper lighting to go fishing at night. Moreover, the wonder women are able to provide incomes for their own family's prosperity. 

One of the wonder women named Mama Rovina was able to build her own house by selling the solar-powered lamps from Kopernik. Previously, she lived with her neighbor because her husband was wandering around to make money but never came back nor sent her additional incomes. Meanwhile, she was left at home with two children whom she had to take care for. "I used to dream on having my own house, even if it wasn't big. By selling the solar-powered lamps from Kopernik, now I have another dream, to save some money and send my children to school.", said Mama Rovina.

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