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Melinda Stefani
Melinda Stefani Mohon Tunggu... Human Resources - Melinda Stefani as a communication studies at President University

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Five Things to Miss from CMIC 2019

20 Mei 2019   20:13 Diperbarui: 20 Mei 2019   20:18 57
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In the talk show with Padjadjaran University Chinese students, there was sharing session of their struggle and happiness living in Indonesia as well as the tips and tricks to mingle with Indonesian people.

5. Cool Participants From Varying Countries

Moreover, since it was an international event, all international students were welcomed to join this event. Well, most of the participants were from China but there were other participants from Vietnam, Mongolia, and of course Indonesia! Thus, this event was the right place for everyone to learn and socialize with people from different countries!

This event was filled with laughter and satisfaction from both the committees and participants. All participants were very glad to join this event, to get to know Indonesia culture, also to receive valuable tips and trick from Chinese students of another university. See you in CMIC 2020!

Writer: Melinda Stefani Yaputri

Editor: Catleya Ayundasari

Photographer: Mikhail Kirtan

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