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The Basic: Freedom of Expression in Indonesia

18 Mei 2017   12:50 Diperbarui: 18 Mei 2017   20:28 619
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In addition to the right of every human being, freedom of expression is also a responsibility in democracy in the life of society, nation and state. And we can also appreciate the opinions of others with their freedom at any such argument. Freedom of expression not only for individual. Every single person have their freedom of expression. In Indonesia itself, the government had already establish  a law that specifically regulate the freedom of expression. however,in order to keep the law still apply as time goes by, the government should make an update and/or monitor the practice of the law and supervise the bodies involved.


  • Law and regulation
    • 1945 Constitution
    • Law No. 9 of 1998 on Freedom of Expression in Public

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