Saya memiliki Account social media profesional. Iseng-iseng mencari teman lama. Akhirnya dapat namanya. Saya coba connect kepada teman lama saya itu. Berharap benar dia adalah teman lama saya. Soalnya mungkin saja nama boleh sama. Keesokan harinya. Dia confirm dan sedikit memberi message dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Apa apa..? katanya dalam message-nya. Saya re-play dengan "kabar baik...? dan menjelaskan situasi beberapa perusahaan Amerika yang beroperasi di Indonesia.
Berikut petikan email-email saya dengan dia. Demi menjaga privasi dia. Sengaja saya me-hide beberapa kata. Mohon maaf.
MH via LinkedIn
Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 5:27 AM Reply-To: xxx To: Faisal Sidik
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JB has sent you a message.
Date: 11/30/2012
Subject: RE: Apa Kabar
Baik Baik anda bagus pak... I worked with a metallurgist from Java, he quit Barrick and moved to Arizona and now is working for Freeport. We are looking for an instrument tech, send me your resume/CV to and will see what we can do. I wanted to hire some folks from China but Barrick North America didnt want to support their green-cards. But I will see what I can do.
Yes we first have boy who is sembulan (7 years old?) and the youngest is a girl num (5 years old?). Richard likes baseball and football. He is the bigest boy in his class. Our little girl Lindsay loves tap and ballet dancing. But she runs faster than Richard
I hear Trent Temple is the big big banana in BH these days. Send my regards to Trent :)
Maybe I will try to call you some time, be good to hear how folks are doing
On 11/30/12 5:35 AM, Faisal Sidik wrote:
kabar baik...
Now I am Snr. Supv. Security System.
Responsible for video surveillance & Cardax FT Command Centre (Door lock system) since feb. 2012.
in 2008 Barick company in Africa email to me.
It needs Instrument tech. But I was late see that email.
Right Now in Indonesia terminated some employees to efficiency program.
please recommend me in barick.
One more question. You got married...?
On 11/29/12 7:12 AM, MH wrote:
Apa Apa :) Pak how you doing? I'm still practicing my bahasa! Happy Happy joy joy fella, hope this find you and your family well!
Meski dia tidak lagi bekerja di Indonesia. Tapi katanya masih tetap berlatih bahasa Indonesia. Saya berharap kalau saya join di perusahaan dia. Saya bisa memberi les private bahasa Indonesia. Tahun 2008 perusahaan Barrick telah menawarkan kepada saya job untuk control/instrument tetapi saya telat me-respon. Akhirnya job tersebut di isi oleh orang lain.
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