c) Why is tahlil considered heretical by some groups?
d) What are the evidences that show the permissibility of tahlil and sending prayers to people who have died?
4. Research Objectives
a) Knowing the meaning of tradition.
b) Knowing what traditions are carried out by Muslims in Indonesia.
c) Knowing the statements and reasons for tahlil and sending prayers to people who have died is bid'ah.
d) Knowing the arguments that allow the tradition of tahlil and send prayers to people who have died.
5. Research Method
The research method used is library data collection that refers to the Qur'an, hadith, qoul ulama, journals, and articles. With this research, it can be found hadith that refers to the traditions of the Muslim community in Indonesia. As stated in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. "Surah Yasin is the essence of the Qur'an, those who read it will be forgiven of their sins by Allah SWT. Then read Yasin's letter to the dead." (HR. Abu Dawud). This hadith is a bright spot for the permissibility of tahlil and sending prayers to people who have died.