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A Regular Day at Avarel School

21 November 2023   21:01 Diperbarui: 21 November 2023   21:03 68
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          "Pete, wake up! It's 6.30. You're gonna miss your school bus!," said mom. "5 more minutes, Mom! I'm too lazy to get out of bed.," begged Pete. Just then, my mom came into my room and said angrily, "WAKE UP you lazy person!" I jumped from the bed, got ready, and ate my breakfast. It included an egg, two slices of bread, broccoli, bacon, and milk. After I finished eating my breakfast, I waited for my school bus to arrive. It only took about 5 minutes. I said goodbye to my mom, and went on the school bus.

          On the school bus, I met my best friend, Mark. He was sitting next to me. In a 10-minute journey to school, I told my story about a novel I recently read. Mark grew interested in it. He wanted to buy it. "Alright guys, we have arrived at Avarel School. Hope y'all have a great time at school!," said the bus driver. We hopped off the bus and entered school. Avarel School is a private-type school, where only selected students can study there. We entered class 6B, which was our class. Our teacher was Mr. Moger. He taught us math.

          The first lesson was Arts and Crafts. We were taught to sing, craft something from trash, and many more. It took us 120 minutes for the first period to complete. Then, the English class began. In my personal opinion, English is far easier than Arts and Crafts. I cannot sing well, but my grammar and pronunciation are very good. On that day, we had an exam. The exam was pretty hard, but I managed to complete it with 10 minutes to spare. Next, math is next on the list. I love math. Our teacher, Mr. Moger taught us statistics and data. Everything went so well, but then Mr. Moger said, "Class, we will continue after recess. Please hand in your homework after recess." I was shocked. I forgot to bring my notebook! How clumsy was I? 

          It was recess time. I left no stone unturned searching for Mark, but he was nowhere to be seen. Was he in the bathroom? Nope. Or maybe he stayed in his class, 6C? Also no. I looked for him, but he vanished into thin air. It was 15 minutes before the math lesson started. Finally, I saw him. He was standing like an NPC in the garden.

          I ran to meet him and asked what he was doing. Mark mumbled, "The sun is very far, isn't it?" "Umm, what?," I asked him. "Sorry, I'm just thinking hard. What are you doing here?," he asked me. I explained, "Here's the problem. I forgot to bring my math homework. I was rushing to get to school, but I didn't have time to check my books again. Can you give me the equations? You don't need to give me the answer. How is it?" "Well, OK. I'll give you the equations, under one condition. Buy me a drink on the second recess. Deal?," he replied. "Deal." I told him. I took his book, and copied all the equations. However, Brooks, the class "whistleblower", said, "Caught you, Pete. You are copying Mark's answer. I will tell Mr. Moger now." I gave him a side-eye, then continued to copy Mark's equations. I gave Brooks the cold shoulder. He didn't care, and he still went to Mr. Moger's room. 

                    Recess time was over. It was the second section of math. Mr. Moger came to our classroom and started to speak about statistics. Then, he said, "Class, please give me your homework." All of my friends, including me, gave the paper. Then, he sat down, checked the paper, and continued to teach us. Brooks, who didn't believe in the action taken by Mr. Moger, raised his hand and reported that I copied Mark's answer. Mr. Moger then said with a relaxed tone, "Brooks, the answers are different. In addition, Pete already told me that he forgot to bring his paper." Brooks looked at me, just as he was trying to say, 'You're lucky.' "But.. but...," Brooks tried to say something. Wisely, Mr. Moger said, "Brooks, let sleeping dogs lie. How about we all check Brooks' answers?" Everybody in the class was thrilled to check his answer. What an interesting day it was.  

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