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Evistanoscha Chimera
Evistanoscha Chimera Mohon Tunggu...

You can call me EVISTANOSCHA CHIMERA, sebuah nama pena yang tercetus saat listrik padam. Sekarang kuliah di jurdikmat prodi matematika murni swadana 2011 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta





27 Oktober 2011   14:15 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   00:26 68
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What do you know about math? Maybe people will call it numbers, calculations, structure, logic, compilation, or opportunities as the answer. Or maybe the other answers are difficult to predict. No wonder if 90% peoples just show his/her regular expression just when they hear “math”. Because I think the math is familiar word in or life.

Mathematics is a very complex form of learning. Since the early, people will has a deal with mathematics that will impact from small things until give the effect on a person's character. Character formed by the process that lasted continuously on the same subject. This also applies to humans to be characterized by appropriate mathematical program because early humans had to deal with mathematics.

Learning math is not just solving the problems created by a person, but rather the completion of a conflict or the situation itself. As business debts of a bank's income statement, even complex mathematical calculations in favor of a recognition of the inventor of the most number of digits behind the comma from the calculation of "phi".

Talking about math and learning math, I may as well talk about life and learning that inadvertently I get to shape the character in me. No need as tough or as a philosopher analyst who develops simple philosophies around us to knowing with matters that include math, I'll give a little review of human life that has experienced, at least I feel experience, which is associated with learning math unconsciously bring someone to a specific math characters. I define the five levels.

First Level

When the Play Group and Kindergarten Schools

Teachers teach children aged Play Group and Kindergarten School to recognize numbers. Either by writing, reading, and counting with a variety of media such as ducks, balloons, stick, etc. Here I catch my presence at the initial level is the level of knowing, the character will automatically be formed in me to start my life all the known levels. For example, I might not to someone without my judged know and recognize that person in advance by writing what I catch out of me in my heart, read the situation or atmosphere in my brain, and simultaneously calculate the likelihood that I can take as a result end with my logic.

Second Level

At Primary School

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