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Travel Story

UCC, Good Coffee Smile

10 November 2015   22:49 Diperbarui: 11 November 2015   00:48 92
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After we finished exploring all those and back to first floor, finally tasting time!!!

[caption caption="Tasting Corner"]


Tasting corner has a theme for every month. For March 2015, they served two little cups of Guatemala coffee with ribbons on. Blue one and pink one. Blue ribbon means coffee that is planted on lower area while pink is on higher area. According to Footy, blue cup tasted a bit plain and sour. Pink cup tasted bitter, similar like espresso.   


[caption caption="Quiz card number"]


[caption caption="Coffee Doctor Certificate"]



Coffee Quiz Q&A Corner is a must-try area. Answer 5 questions and you’ll get Coffee Doctor Certificate with your photo on it. The questions are serious one, testing your knowledge after visiting exhibition rooms but it's truly fun. Even if you don't answer all questions right, you still can get certificate, post card and also questionnaire. They provide the quiz in both Japanese and English.

For souvenirs and to enjoy various types of coffee beans which the plantations are managed by UCC, they also provide shop and cafe in ground floor.

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