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Travel Story

UCC, Good Coffee Smile

10 November 2015   22:49 Diperbarui: 11 November 2015   00:48 92
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Exhibition room 4: Roasting
Roasting is a very substantial process of producing coffee’s aroma, color and flavor. Blending and grinding process will be explained, beside roasting. We could also find many model of machines, such as roasting, blending and grinding machines.

Exhibition room 5: Extraction

In this room, you will be taught how to make 20 types of delicious coffee drinks. 

Exhibition room 6: Culture

 [caption caption="Coffee in music"]


Coffee, surely, makes a lot of impacts and reaches world’s culture. This room will show you how coffee has lighten up life of ages through music, novel, stamps etc. Luckily, We found this Indonesia’s stamp. Indonesia is the third biggest coffee producing country.

[caption caption="Coffee in Indonesian's stamp"]






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