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Penerima Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud RI Program D4 Perhotelan Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti Tahun 2017




What I Learn from Netflix's Itaewon Class

15 Agustus 2021   23:51 Diperbarui: 15 Agustus 2021   23:54 219
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*** WARNING: Spoiler alert ***

Yes, yes. I am one and a half years late. 

I never really had any interest to watch this for a while, until recently. I personally think dramas are becoming boring, you can just guess what's going to happen next. Maybe it's just me. That's why I made the decision to try watching this, because it just seemed different.

And indeed, Itaewon Class is a different yet an interesting one to watch. It tells a story about how the real world works. People who have the money and power will do anything to get what they want, how the way they want it. They are so blinded by what they have, they want other people to bow down to them. Honestly loathsome. How Jang Dae-Hee's favorite quote is "The strong preys the weak." How he would not accept anyone telling him that he was wrong. How he pushed his son to cover up something as big as murder despite how Jang Geun-Won wanted to come clean, in order to protect his so called life: The Jangga Co. 

It's really a pity how Jang Geun-Won ended up the way he was. In the early episodes, at least he could differentiate that what he did to Saeroyi's father was indeed wrong.

I love the way how this drama tells the story about how Park Saeroyi was fighting for justice with his persistence to succeed and beat Jangga Co. It was a huge dream, a laughable one at that. Yet he set a goal, a plan, one that needed years but he stuck with it. He went strong. No matter how dirty the other party played at him, he always tried his best to beat them the right way.

"Whenever things got difficult, you played dirty. And look where you are now. You think it's hard to stick to your principles and be honest about what you like and dislike. You're just giving excuses so you can feel comfortable with yourself."

This quote sums up the drama for me. A fight that honors one's principles and honesty. Park Saeroyi got back at Jang Dae-Hee with these, principles and honesty. He fought long and hard, but I'd like to say it was worth it.

And then there's Jo Yi-Seo. Jo Yi-Seo is such an amazing character.

"Rich? I will make you rich. They give you a hard time? I will destroy them for you."

The way she pursues Park Saeroyi, just amazes me. I was so used to seeing women who depends on their men. Seeing Jo Yi-Seo is very fresh. She is very unlike Park Soo-Ah who wanted Saeroyi to be rich in order for them to start a relationship. Jo Yi-Seo wants to help him no matter what. She helped Saeroyi to reach his goals, helping him went through all the hardships, being there for him, caring for him, doing her best to turn his bitter nights to sweet. She is a woman to die for.

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