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Ilmu Sosbud

Minus Eyes Causes

4 Mei 2023   16:33 Diperbarui: 4 Mei 2023   16:40 62
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Myopia or nearsightedness is difficulty seeing distant objects. People who are nearsighted will find it easier to see closer objects. Myopia is not an eye disease, but a disorder of the eye that makes people unable to see from a distance. In a normal eye, light from outside will fall right on the retina. In contrast to myopia, light from outside will fall in front of the retina. Because light from outside does not hit the retina exactly, objects that are far away will appear blurry.

            The following are some common causes of nearsightedness:

  • Genetics.

Nearsightedness tends to run in families. If one of your parents is nearsighted, your risk of developing the condition is increased. The risk is higher if both parents are nearsighted.

  • Reading books or playing gadgets too close

Reading a book can be one of the causes of nearsightedness if you read a book in a dim place or too close to your eyes. People who like to read have a far greater risk of myopia than those who don't. This also happens if you use the gadget too close or in a dark place.

  • Rerely do outdoor activities

There are several studies that say that the cause of nearsightedness can also be influenced by the habit of rarely doing outdoor activities. This is due to the light that is indoors and outdoors is different. Indoor light tends to be darker than natural light outdoors. This of course can affect eye health. Insufficient or dim lighting will tire the eyes quickly and reduce the ability of the eyes to capture light.

The development of nearsightedness can be reduced, of course to avoid higher farsightedness. There are several ways to prevent nearsightedness, namely by checking with an ophthalmologist if you experience signs of nearsightedness. Increasing outdoor activities can reducethe development of minus eyes, eating health foods that contain vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene. Limit visibility when looking at the laptop screen at least 30 cm away.

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