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The Importance of OSHA 10 Hour Training for Workplace Safety Compliance

19 April 2023   19:22 Diperbarui: 19 April 2023   19:23 140
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The workplace safety training programs of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have been credited since its inception in 1970. The organization aims to promote safety awareness based on legal laws and regulations. 

Workplace injuries are a vital concern in the United States. In 2021 the total count of work injuries reached 5,190 which is 8.9% increase as compared to the count recorded in 2020. Not only this, around 2.6 million employees reported injury and illness cases in 2021. 

To help control the situation, OSHA provides updated workplace safety compliance training which is compulsory in many states to follow. Through these standards, both employees and employers, attain an enhanced knowledge and understanding about the safety precautions. The program is divided into two types - the OSHA 30 Construction and OSHA 10 Hour Training .

Each one is benefitting in their own way. Where the 10 Hour gives an overview to crucial hazardous areas and aspects of a workplace with industry-specific information, the 30 Hour training elaborates every aspect. 

OSHA 10-Hour Course Completion For Safety Compliance

The OSHA 10-hour program for safety compliance is the first step to understanding workplace hazards and learning about ways to prevent, handle and prevent accidents. 

It is designed to train workers and instruct organizations to avoid potential flaws that may result in injuries, illnesses, diseases, accidents, and even worker deaths. 

The program is conducted by certified OSHA trainers who stay close to each candidate to guide them throughout the course timeline. All safety topics are tailored to suit the chosen industry. 

OSHA 10-hour online construction training for compliance is an easy-to-follow course that involves many topics and areas of concern. It's not only beneficial for employees but is cost-effective for organizations. 

If you are new to your industry and eager to know all about the potentially dangerous areas and aspects, you must get enrolled right away. Those who have already attended all the training classes can refresh their knowledge from the course. 

Each topic gets regularly updated, and there are none to minimal chances of having any outdated information. As policies and frameworks keep on changing, it is important to stay connected and aware of what's going on in the industry. 

Benefits of OSHA 10-Hour Training For Employers

The OSHA 10-hour training importance is far-stretched to the employee's career growth and the betterment of the organization. 

For Employees

To employees, it serves as a beacon of light. It teaches them about fall protection, fire protection, slip, trip hazards, dangers of electrical hazards, causes and prevention of MSD and RMD injuries along with teaching about the hazards of spray finishing, dipping/coating, combustible liquids, and compressed gases. 

It guides them about the worker's rights and insurance policies. Giving them the confidence to work knowing their worth and the claims they can charge against any organization that fails to follow the OSHA standards. Apart from this, in many states of the US, safety training is made compulsory which means certified employees are valued more and gain better chances to secure a high paying job. 

For Employers

For organizations and their employers, the OSHA 10 certification benefits them by giving them authority and transparency. These firms are regarded in the industry and more employees get engaged to work with them. Apart from this, when there are lower rates of illnesses and accidents productivity doubles. There are no slower turnaround times and no delays in operations and production. 

A healthy workplace culture is established in such firms. Moreover, they can avoid hefty penalties and legal charges against them. They do not have to pay millions of dollars as compensation to the government and families who have suffered any kind of mishap while at work. This helps them invest their time and money in the right spot. They make their company and business grow double the folds without taking any guilt baggage or stress. 

Major Topics Covered In The OSHA 10 Course For Workplace Safety

A huge variety of safety and health administration topics are covered in the 10 Hour training. However, as the course is kept short there are no detailed guidelines and resources. The information is only to provide a basic overview of how things work and what areas one can avoid. Its main purpose is to make every student familiar with workplace hazards. Here is the list of topics:

  • Introduction to OSHA

  • Walking and Working Surfaces

  • Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, and Fire Prevention

  • Electrical

  • Personal Protective Equipment

  • Hazard Communications

  • Material Handling

  • Machine Guarding

  • Bloodborne Pathogens

Each of these topics gives a walk-through to safety guidelines highlighting all the dos and don'ts for the employees to follow. 

OSHA 10-Hour Course Resources

Making it easier to meet the OSHA 10-hour training requirements for compliance, the course comes with its directory of resources. The content is available in different languages and is kept easy and clear. Every instruction is elaborated to ensure enhanced understanding. There are interactive practice assessments and exercises to check to understand. Moreover, you can view pdfs, eBooks, and many other visual contents that increase engagement and make the course entertaining. 

There are no time barriers to attending any class; neither one has to travel anywhere physically. Defying all traditional norms and practices, the course is completely online. The moment you enroll, you get access to every topic and lecture. You can watch videos to learn about the tools and equipment handling along with enjoying a one-on-one session with the certified trainers to briefly understand a topic. Some key takeaways as to how significant the course is:

  • Flexible 

  • transparent

  • Easy to Understand 

  • Cost-Effective 

  • Updated Information 

  • Highly Credible 

Wrap Up

Upon completion of the OSHA 10 Hour training course, you get an OSHA card and a certificate. It adds more value to your career opportunity and makes you fully understand the ins and outs of your industry. It helps better evaluate the place of work you choose and guides your organization about the worker's rights and policies. 

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