A Chance Encounter
Yesterday morning, I was walking to campus with enthusiasm and confidence, ready to embrace the day ahead. The sun was shining, and the autumn leaves crunched beneath my feet, adding a rhythm to my steps. Suddenly, my eyes were drawn to a guy sitting on a bench, deeply engrossed in his book. He had tousled hair and wore a cozy sweater, completely absorbed in whatever story unfolded before him.
I couldn't help but admire the way he was oblivious to the bustling world around him. He seemed so at peace, lost in his own universe. I smiled to myself, thinking, "Wow, he seems cool. I wonder what he's reading." The thought of striking up a conversation crossed my mind. If only I had the courage and time, I would love to chat and ask about his book. Maybe we could become friends.
As I stood there for a moment, contemplating whether to approach him, I felt a rush of excitement mixed with nerves. My heart raced at the idea of connecting with someone new. But before I could make a decision, I noticed the time; I had to hurry to class.
Reluctantly, I turned to leave, but not without stealing one last glance at him. He looked up just as I was walking away, and our eyes met for a brief moment. I felt a jolt of connection, as if he could sense my curiosity. I quickly averted my gaze, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment, but a smile lingered on my lips as I continued my way to class.
The encounter left me feeling lighter, like I had shared a fleeting moment of magic with a stranger. Throughout the day, I couldn't shake the thought of him. I realized that sometimes, it's the small, unexpected moments that can brighten our day and remind us of the beauty of human connection, even if just for a fleeting second.
1. Engrossed (adj) Terbenam sepenuhnya atau sangat fokus pada sesuatu.Â
Contoh: Dia terbenam dalam bukunya dan tidak menyadari waktu yang berlalu.
 (Translation: She was engrossed in her book and lost track of time.)Â
2. Oblivious (adj) Tidak menyadari atau tidak peduli tentang apa yang terjadi di sekitar.Â
Contoh: Dia tidak menyadari kebisingan di kafe, terbenam dalam pikirannya.Â
(Translation: He was oblivious to the noise in the caf, lost in his thoughts.)Â
3. Rhythm (noun) Pola gerakan atau suara yang kuat, teratur, dan berulang.Â
Contoh: Irama musik membuat semua orang ingin berdansa.
 (Translation: The rhythm of the music made everyone want to dance.)Â
4. Tousled (adj) Kusut atau tidak teratur, sering merujuk pada rambut.Â
Contoh: Dia memiliki rambut yang kusut yang memberinya penampilan santai.Â
(Translation: She had tousled hair that gave her a casual look.)Â
5. Curiosity (noun) Keinginan yang kuat untuk mengetahui atau mempelajari sesuatu.Â
Contoh: Rasa ingin tahunya tentang dunia membawanya untuk melakukan perjalanan yang luas.Â
(Translation:Â His curiosity about the world led him to travel extensively.)Â
6. Nerves (noun) Keadaan cemas atau khawatir.Â
Contoh: Saya merasakan kegugupan sebelum presentasi saya.Â
(Translation: I felt nerves building up before my presentation.)Â
7. Flushed (adj) Merah atau kemerahan, sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan wajah seseorang akibat malu atau kegembiraan.Â
Contoh: Dia merasa wajahnya kemerahan setelah menerima pujian.Â
(Translation: She felt flushed after receiving the compliment.)Â
8. Fleeting (adj) Bertahan untuk waktu yang sangat singkat; sementara.Â
Contoh: Momen kebahagiaan itu hanya bertahan sejenak.
(Translation: That moment of happiness was fleeting.)Â
1. Drawn to:Â Ditarik atau tertarik pada sesuatu.Â
Contoh: Saya tertarik pada tampilan warna-warni di toko.Â
(Translation: I was drawn to the vibrant colors in the store.)Â
2. Lost in his own universe: Â Terbenam begitu dalam dalam pikiran atau kegiatan seseorang sehingga tampak berada di dunia yang berbeda.Â
Contoh: Dia terbenam dalam dunianya sendiri saat melukis.Â
(Translation: She was lost in her own universe while painting.)Â
3. Stealing a glance Melihat seseorang atau sesuatu dengan cepat tanpa mereka menyadari. Contoh: Dia mencuri pandang ke arah pujaannya di seberang ruangan. (Translation: He was stealing a glance at his crush across the room.) A fleeting moment Periode waktu yang singkat dan cepat.Â
Contoh: Matahari terbenam adalah momen keindahan yang singkat sebelum malam tiba. (Translation: The sunset was a fleeting moment of beauty before night fell.)Â
Lightened the mood Membuat suasana atau perasaan lebih ceria atau santai. Contoh: Le luconnya meringankan suasana saat rapat yang serius. (Translation: His jokes lightened the mood during the serious meeting.) Sense of connection Perasaan saling pengertian atau ikatan dengan seseorang. Contoh: Ada rasa koneksi instan antara kedua teman itu. (Translation: There was an instant sense of connection between the two friends.)
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