Why ? : Physics is A Genius Science
Prof. Hendry Izaac Elim
Indonesia physicist
Pattimura university
In advancing science and technology as well as mathematics and philosophy, every scholar needs to understand the foundation of the universe.
Will the universe be ended one day?
Such interesting question has been an ongoing debate from generation to generation.
As a scientist, the whole universe is too huge to be explored with human sophisticated technology.
Therefore, there must be a clever idea to identify the knowledge of universe.
Can physicists explain universe to ordinary world people?
That is a common argument to physicists who used to study, observe, measure, assume and approximate the knowledge to understand both seen and unseen things.Â
It is even more interesting to pursue the mystery of universe by using the whole scientific understanding and wisdom.Â
Moreover, universe itself is over the knowledge of men.
As a matter of fact, the best approach to extract the universe is by studying the smallest thing like atom or nuclear or even gluon, or boson Higgs that formed a mass. Â
In addition, the efforts to develop remote controlled satellite telescopes like Hubble and Webb telescopes in order to observe a very long distant object like star, galaxy, and black hole can open the mystery of unseen things such as dark matters and their dark energies that are only interacted with gravity that pulls near by objects. Â
Here, a remarkable thought of advancing the knowledge of universe is correlated from both the smallest and the largest objects.Â
The relationships between the two different nature of objects have marvelous physics.
Such understanding has made physics is called as a genius science.
The next question is WHY?
A genius science can distinguish something very similar or very identical form.Â
The person who learned such genius science is often called as a genius.
A physicist can dig the mystery of universe because of the way of truth thinking according to the whole conservation laws in nature.
If such un-vanished doctrine is always implemented in many ways of experiments, observations and theoretical understanding, we believe many discoveries will be obtained.
In short, the outlook and above-mentioned highlights have shown the core of a genius knowledge and understanding which can guide many diligent scholars to explore and expand their pure wisdom. Â We suggest that in order to find out the unsolved problems in universe, the readers have to learn and try to understand the benefits of learning physics. The genius style of thinking in physics's principle can guide the steps to get the everlasting solution of universe and many things associated with it.Â
Have a blessed day...cheers, Hendry
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